SpringBoot Annotation
Sakshi Agrawal
immediate joiner | Backend Developer | Java |Spring Boot|Microservices|Hibernate|Jenkins|Bitbuket|Kubernetes|kafka|Putty|Cassandra|Software Engineer
Hello, to my all readers, Hope you all are enjoying your daily learning. Among my daily updates, Today I have come up with new topic related to SpringBoot technology.
Please find below my insights on today's technical concept, specifically ?Annotation . I invite you to peruse this information, as it may offer valuable insights and benefits to your understanding of annotation techniques.
1. @SpringBootApplication :- This annotation is used to mark the main class of a Spring Boot application. It combines three other annotations: @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan
2. @Configuration:- The @Configuration is a class-based annotation that defines one or more bean methods in the class. The purpose of a configuration class is to indicate the application context
3. @RestController :-? @RestController marks a class as a RESTful controller
4. @Autowired:-?? This annotation is used for automatic dependency injection
5. @Service:- This annotation is used to mark a class as a service in Spring, indicating that it holds the business logic
6. @Repository:-? This annotation is used to indicate that a class serves as a repository, responsible for data access operations
7. @Bean:- The @Bean is a method-level annotation widely used in Spring Boot applications. Bean annotation is a direct analog of the XML element, which indicates that the Spring container should register a method.
8. @EnableAutoConfiguration:- The annotation allows the automatic configuration of your Spring Boot applications. Enable Auto Configuration annotations to define the Spring components and configure them automatically.
9. @Controller:- This annotation is used to mark a class as a controller in Spring MVC, responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests, processing them, and returning an appropriate response. Controllers interpret user input, interact with services to process data, and determine the appropriate view to render.
10. @RequestMapping :- @RequestMapping is a Spring annotation that connects HTTP requests to specific methods in your controller. It allows you to define various attributes such as the request path, HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.), request parameters, headers, and more.
11. @RequestBody :-??The @RequestBody annotation in Spring MVC is used to indicate that a method parameter should be bound to the body of the HTTP request. It's commonly used to extract JSON or XML data from an incoming HTTP request and convert it into a Java object.
12. @PathVariable:- The @PathVariable annotation in Spring MVC is used to extract values from URI templates in the request URL and map them to method parameters in a controller handler method.
Spring Boot annotations are the powerful in development process that can enhance the web applications performance, maintainability, and scalability. Moreover it simplifies the development.
Thankyou For Reading!
Published by: Sakshi Agrawal
Date?: May 27,2024