Spring Updates to Expression Engine

Spring Updates to Expression Engine

EE 6.3.0 was released on 11th April and updated to 6.3.4 on 11th May. Features added to Expression Engine this quarter include:

Conditional Fields

?Conditional fields allow us to tidy the content management experience when sets of fields are only required for specific entries. The benefits are probably best explained by way of an example:

Imagine your business hosts events, and you post the details to your website. Some of these events would be virtual, requiring Zoom details, a registration link, and a post-event video. Others would be "in-real-life", requiring location details and a map.

Historically, we'd have to include both sets of fields and ask you to leave the ones you don't need blank. Conditional fields allow us to give you the option to choose the event type, and then the CMS will only show the fields you need.

You can read more about this feature here:


Five New Field Types:


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Contains text used to give context to content editors. It cannot be edited in a channel entry and is only for informational purposes. However, it's excellent for giving editorial style advice and is particularly useful when several people manage your website.

We're looking forward to adding these to our fluid fields to help our customers build dynamic pages more efficiently.

Range and Value Sliders

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Allows the user to select a single number or range of numerical values. We think our commercial property clients will find this incredibly useful for describing the size of their available floor plans.?

Selectable Buttons

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Selectable button fields allow publishers to choose multiple or single items from a list depending on the setting. These will be great for categorising content and quickly adding special features to profile pages.?

Number Input

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Single-lined field where you can enter a number. The value can be incremented easily by typing, clicking the arrows, or pressing your keyboard's up and down keys.

Help with Upgrading

We recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version for the best user experience and to maintain your website data security. Customers on our Premium and Advanced support packages have been upgraded proactively.?

Please contact Mike Bean or a digital team member if you're not a Premium or Advanced hosting customer and would like help with upgrading.



