Spring Training is Here!
America is familiar with February 2nd being 'Groundhog's Day'. Every news outlet across the country tunes in to tiny Punxsutawny, Pennsylvania to see if Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter or an early spring.
Baseball's version of Groundhog's Day comes the moment pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training. It signifies that baseball season is coming soon and that brings a plethora of warm feelings from legions of fans and business executives.
Spring Training reminds everyone that their first ball park hot dog is only eight weeks away. A season of memories just around the corner.
In Indianapolis, the start of Spring Training this year has coincided with unseasonably warm weather with dreary skies fading to sunshine! Baseball is almost here.
With a short eight weeks to go before Opening Day, everyone is getting excited.
What are your plans at the ball park this season?