Spring? Sprung.
Ah, spring. The vernal equinox has arrived after what seems (and feels often) like one of the longest, coldest winters we’ve had in a while around these parts.
And since it’s the Carolinas we’re talking about, it would be prudent to note that we had a taste of summer yesterday (high 81 degrees), it’s back to more ‘fallish’ weather today (high in the low 60s), it’s supposed to snow in the mountains tonight, there’s a chance of frost hereabouts tomorrow morning and the weekend will be so-so, on the low end of the Spring scale.
The American Midwest is having a few blizzards here and there, wildfire risks are up in other places that have been dry and persistently windy.
I could go on and on.
It’s like God is putting punctuation marks on anything and everything these days.
Whatever your political bend, my friends, this is what climate change is all about.
Storms grow fiercer year to year, disasters seem to be hitting everywhere, tornadoes are a typical feature of weathercasts in places where there have never been twisters before
All over the many, many social media outlets there will be people who say that all of this is normal.
But it ain’t, y’all.
Several people I know keep saying that we’re on the brink of “the end times,” but folks have been saying that, honestly, for generations. Remember the big hoo-hah over the Mayan calendar?
The thing is, we’re living on a planet that supported a billion people back in 1800.
The latest figure is more than eight billion.
We’re running out of room, it would seem.
A whole bunch of that most recent head count are still perking along in places with smokestacks that belch tons of pollution into the air we breathe, and there are those who say that’s okay and it’ll all work out in the end.
No, it won’t.
The older ones of us still alive today will probably get through what’s going on now, but if you have children and grandchildren, they don’t have a whole lot to look forward to right now.
We really need to take more time looking down the road and finding ways to keep this big blue marble we live on alive and well.
It will take more than electric cars and solar panels and windmills.
More and more so-called experts are saying it’s probably too late to save our third rock from the sun.
But I like to think it’s never too late to do what is right for generations to come.
Give our kids a chance.
You won’t regret it.
1 天前Amen HB! You expressed my thoughts exactly. Makes me wonder when the pyramids were built, what the human race was really like and if the same remarks were made. Who knows! Be safe bro.!