spring into savings | get up to 50% OFF | tiles, vinyl, flooring & more

spring into savings | get up to 50% OFF | tiles, vinyl, flooring & more

visit our paarden eiland, boundary park or cornubia showroom | in store only | while stocks last

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browse products on sale in cape town

creation 55 trend cedar pure (230 x 2500 mm) - was R379.95/m2, NOW R249.95/m2
tribeca beige rectified eco (600 x 600 mm) - was R189.95/m2, NOW R109.95/m2
lvt creation 30 staccato (610 x 610 mm) - was R229.95/m2, NOW R179.95/m2
renew stone grey (600 x 600 mm) - was R199.95/m2, NOW R119.95/m2
lvt creation 30 bostonian oak (184 x 1219 mm) - was R329.95/m2, NOW R199.95/m2
chelsea grey eco (450 x 900 mm) - was R299.95/m2, NOW R169.95/m2

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browse products on sale in johannesburg

lvt creation 55 sweet cloud insight (610 x 610 mm) - was R489.95/m2, NOW R199.95/m2
fawn (250 x 500 mm) - was R179.95/m2, NOW R79.95/m2
creation 55 trend swiss oak smoked (230 x 1500 mm) - was R439.95/m2, NOW R239.95/m2
echo mushroom ceramic (250 x 500 mm) - was R229.95/m2, NOW R79.95/m2
tar imp comp 43 noma ice (50m2/roll) - was R489.95/roll, NOW R269.95/roll
seul pure taupe matt full body glazed porcelain (600 x 600 mm) - was R449.95/m2, NOW R99.95/m2

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browse products on sale in kwazulu-natal

evolve charcoal eco gres porcelain (600 x 600 mm) - was R279.95/m2, NOW R159.95/m2
timeless shiny white eco (600 x 600 mm) - was R189.95/m2, NOW R129.95/m2
quartz dark (300 x 300 mm) - was R389.95/m2, NOW R99.95/m2
tatum grey slip-resistant inkjet porcelain (150 x 600 mm) - was R349.95/m2, NOW R99.95/m2
camden ivory eco slip-resistant (350 x 350 mm) - was R159.95/m2, NOW R99.95/m2
create ivory eco (600 x 1200 mm) - was R379.95/m2, NOW R99.95/m2

browse full catalogue


cape town: 43 Paarden Eiland Road,Paarden Eiland, Cape Town

johannesburg: Erf 210 Boundary Park Extension 4 Malibongwe Road

durban: 5 Tottum Road, Unit 17 Vision Business Park, Cornubia, Ethekwini

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