Spring Newsletter 01/2022 from DataPhysics Instruments
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Spring Newsletter 01/2022 from DataPhysics Instruments

Dear readers,

the new year got off to an exciting start: in our spring newsletter, we are pleased to present you the latest news from DataPhysics Instruments. To begin with, the innovative software dpiMAX is now available for contact angle meters of the OCA-series. Another addition to the product portfolio is the recently developed double-dosing-system DDS-P, with which the surface free energy can be determined within seconds. Furthermore, we show how the stability of foams and the particle size in dispersions can be determined with our MultiScan MS 20 stability analyser. We also recommend our video explaining how to measure with the SVT 25 spinning-drop-tensiometer, which can provide important insights for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). And finally, we are pleased to announce that DataPhysics Instruments is now a member of the Alliance for Fibre-Based Materials Baden-Württemberg.

Have you also started new projects in the field of interfacial and surface technology in 2022? Let us know, we will be happy to support you!

With kind regards

Michaela Laupheimer, DataPhysics Instruments GmbH

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Application Example: Foam Party Time! – Investigate the Stability of Foams

Manufacturers of detergents and cleaning agents attach great importance to the foaming properties of their products – but they must also keep an eye on foam decay. Facial cleansing foams, for example, are pleasant to use if they break down quickly. Foam stability, foam decay and bubble sizes can be reliably analysed with the MultiScan MS 20 stability analyser.

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Latest Software: Measuring with Ease – Innovative Software for Contact Angle Meters

Measuring instrument software is complicated and overloads its operators with countless settings? Not necessarily! With its recently developed software dpiMAX, DataPhysics Instruments proves that measuring instruments can be operated simply and intuitively. The software for the contact angle meters of the OCA-series guides its users intuitively through the entire workflow.

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New Measuring Method: When Time is of the Essence – Determine Surface Energy in Seconds

To determine the surface free energy of solids, contact angle measurements must be carried out with at least two test liquids. To perform these measurements quickly and efficiently, DataPhysics Instruments has developed a pressure-based double-dosing-system: the DDS-P. With this addition to the contact angle meters of the OCA-series, the surface free energy of a sample can be determined within seconds.

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Application Example: Getting granular – Determining Particle Size of Dispersions

When developing dispersions, for example for cosmetics, chemical products or foodstuffs, the size of the dispersed particles plays an important role. With the MultiScan MS 20 stability analyser it is possible to determine the average particle size in dispersions. We explain how that works in the following application example, using two polystyrene-water mixtures.

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Association Membership: Among Fibre-Experts – DataPhysics Instruments joined the association AFBW

Since March 2022, DataPhysics Instruments has been a member of the Alliance for Fibre-Based Materials Baden-Württemberg (AFBW). The AFBW supports its members along the entire textile value chain. DataPhysics Instruments is happy to share its know-how about the investigation of fibre surfaces and is looking forward to the cooperation.

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On the screen: Testing Limits – Spinning Drop Tensiometry for enhanced Oil Recovery

The SVT 25 spinning-drop-tensiometer offers unique possibilities for investigating ultra-low interfacial tensions, which occur particularly in microemulsions. Microemulsions are water-oil-surfactant mixtures that are used, for instance, in enhanced oil recovery. In this video we explain how to characterise the systems using a spinning drop tensiometer.

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DataPhysics Instruments GmbH, Raiffeisenstra?e 34, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany, Register Court: Stuttgart HRB 224335, VAT-ID: DE 81226 4007,

Management: Nils Langer, Horst Rau, Dr. Sebastian Schaubach, Jens Ole Wund

Tel: +49 (0)711 770556-0, Fax: +49 (0)711 770556-99,

[email protected], Website, Imprint

Pictures: SerPhoto/stock.adobe.com; Wayhome Studio/stock.adobe.com; DataPhysics Instruments, DataPhysics Instruments; sergeyklopotov/stock.adobe.com; AFBW e.V.; DataPhysics Instruments


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