1989-March 25-JOURNAL ENTRY~ What a glorious Easter! Preached Good Friday after a spring walk in our new park. Temperatures began warming and my spirit thawed. How I love the smell of earth and growing trees, which I missed all winter. God had graciously given us this oak grove near our new home where I can walk, pray, think and praise our wonderful Lord.
On my return I thought of Dad. Thanking the Lord for giving us such a model of manhood, simplicity, hard work, loyalty to family and community. Memory a wonderful thing. Planting potatoes on Good Friday no matter the weather. He loved working the soil; his garden covered nearly half an acre. There he found relief from the hours spent daily at the Willys Jeep factory in nearby Toledo, Ohio._____________________________________________________________________2021 APRIL 1 -REFLECTION~ ~The greatest gift Fred Yawberg gave his family was his unyielding faith in Christ Jesus! He led the way to Easter Sunrise worship and breakfast in the old Mt Pleasant Church basement. Dad served as Sunday School Superintendent for 25 years.
This Resurrection Sunday we will again greet fellow believers, “HE IS RISEN!” And they respond enthusiastically, “HE IS RISEN INDEED! May we not forget to celebrate Christ’s resurrection every Lord’s Day.
“At that moment, open-eyed, they recognized Him. . . back and forth they talked; didn’t we feel on fire as He conversed with us on the road, as He opened the Scriptures for us?” -Luke 24-MSG
SAYING YES TO GOD- bob and marilyn yawberg- www.pastorsinprayer.org