Spring is just around the corner – Letters from your translator
Lingo Languages Oy
K??nn?stoimisto – Kumppanisi monikieliseen viestint??n//Translation agency – Your partner for multilingual communication
Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, and Easter Sunday. The days of the past Easter week all have their own special name.
Up to a third of the world’s population celebrates Easter. This is also the time of Ramadan, the month of fasting, which falls in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
In addition to celebrating these dates that unite people from all around the globe during the spring, we at Lingo have been monitoring the economic outlook, the tense labour market situation in Finland and its impact on the export industry, as most of our clients do business internationally. The tedious times in recent years have undermined the operating capacity of many exporting and importing companies.
But after a long winter, we need to gather our strength and start growing again. We need faith in the future and stories and experiences of success. You can read one of them below.
At Lingo, we evolve and grow with our customers.
Thank you for that!
Customer story: Kumppania Oy
Over the years, the cooperation between the communications agency Kumppania and Lingo has been honed into a smooth partnership based on mutual trust, flexibility and professionalism.
Kumppania offers a wide range of communication services to various industries and applications. The demanding specialist work is supported by smooth partnerships. Such a partnership has developed between Kumppania and Lingo for translations and proofreading.
One example of the cooperation between Kumppania and Lingo is the “Guide to Becoming an Entrepreneur in Finland” published by the Finnish Enterprise Agencies (Suomen Uusyrityskeskukset ry). The guide is published annually in Finnish, Swedish and English. The concept of the current guide was created in 2020 in Kumppania, and Lingo has been responsible for the translation from the beginning.
?“We have a deep trust in each other’s professional expertise. After all, trust is always built first between people, then extends to the team and finally to the customers. We know each other through our long cooperation and that makes it easy,” says Pia Hirvonen, Sales and Marketing Director at Kumppania.
In what form?
We are often asked if we can deliver the translation to the client in the same, original file format.
Our translation software supports various file formats, such as .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx. In addition, we can translate texts directly into an InDesign file.
Sometimes we convert PDF files into text format, for example into a Word file, so that we can translate the texts in our translation software. In this case, the layout and formatting of the translation may differ slightly from the original, as the language versions usually vary in length.
We translate websites in files such as .html, .po and .xliff. We can also enter the language versions into your website’s content management system.
In the link below, you’ll find answers to the some of the other questions our customers usually ask us.
We wish you a great spring season!
– Miia and Lingo’s team