Spring Forward with Time Management
Those ruled by clocks will have had an hour less in bed on Sunday

Spring Forward with Time Management


BBC Radio Scotland interview on Business Scotland 25/26 March 2016

Time piece: Keeping up with business as clocks spring forward

For others, time management can be an issue in their business life. We all know would should be immune from distraction, good at prioritising, using our time wisely, but the reality can be rather different.

"One of the elements that we've all got the same amount of is time," says Caroline Meikle, head of corporate training for Pitman. One of their courses is in time management.

Part of what they do is to get individuals to understand their role better and to identify what are their "time stealers".

"I would say that about 90% of the people on a train are on their phones," she continues.

"Now they could be playing games, they could be texting, they could be emailing. I think the majority of them are trying to catch up, which in some ways can be time effective.

"But I think that with the stresses you've got in modern life, sometimes it's just nice to look out of the window, sometimes the best use of your time could be to step back from the desk, go a walk, come back with a clear head, a clear mind and start again," she laughs.

And you can hear more about business and time on Business Scotland on the BBC iPlayer.

As Featured on the BBC Radio Scotland - Pitman's Time Management Seminar

  •  Are you frequently interrupted by staff with questions about the job or requests for advice and / or decisions?
  • Do you sometimes find yourself doing the job of one of your staff when he / she really ought to be doing it himself / herself?
  • Do you work longer hours than those you manage or those you work with?
  • Do you habitually take work home every night or at weekends?
  • Does more of your time get spent working on details, rather than strategic thinking, planning or other management activities?
  • Do you have unfinished jobs piling up on your desk, or difficulty meeting deadlines? If you answered yes to any of the above questions then spending a little time learning how to manage your time will save you hours! This one day workshop is ideal for anyone who wishes to improve their self-managing techniques, achieve more in their working day and gain more balance in their lives.Testimonial“Fab!  Very good communicator!  Very relevant, inspiring!  Much more than I expected to learn!  I have a to-do list for when I get back from training for the office.  Brilliant!”  Judith – Educational Manager               

Next available date is 17th of May in Glasgow 2016.  

The day commences at 9.30 am and closes at approximately 4.30 pm.  Refreshments, a light lunch and support materials are provided.  The cost of the course is £295 + VAT per delegate to enrol, please call Caroline on 0141 223 0090 or 0131 556 5650 email contact [email protected]


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