Spring Forward
Reclaim Your Feminine Power

Spring Forward

Who doesn’t love Spring after a long winter’s grip? Spring being a powerful metaphor for starting over the Season brings yearnings to the surface to give us another chance to renew vows to self.  This is especially true if you are discouraged, or the momentum of the New Year’s Resolutions has slowed.

Stop to reflect, to know…without a doubt that you have power to make a change within yourself, which in turn changes the quality of your life; thus lives of others. The year is still young and forgiving; you have time to begin anew, to absorb the wonder of the season.

Even if you have tried many strategies and failed.

Know that your time and efforts have not been wasted.

All of your story has brought you to this place and time, for a new beginning.

Yet even with the best of intentions our frenetic busyness or other distractions makes it easy to overlook the signs of renewal around and within us. This frame of mind creates an environment whereby we are not fully present making it easy for us to procrastinate to take the path of least resistance to wait until, until…when?

You may ask: where do I begin?

Begin where you are right now!

To begin, you have to start with an intention. Wishing or waiting for the right time has no power. Intention has power behind it.

An intention is the most important step; it sets up a momentum. Just like a glacier coming down a mountain, once you decide, you can steadily move forward and gain mastery.

How does spring relate to the changes that I should make in my life, you may ask?

I grew up in Canada where winters were long, bleak and seemingly relentless. In the grip of winter it was almost impossible to imagine the miracle of spring. Gradually the cold gives away to allow the seeds beneath the snow to start germinating. Think of all the work a rose has to do before it startles us with its full blown beauty.

Because it’s not abrupt the beginning of spring tends to catch us unawares. A daffodil, a forsythia bush or a dandelion, here and there until there is a blaze of color. Our intention to change is pretty much the same; a small change in our attitude begets a decision to take a small risk until soon we are like a baby learning to walk, we are gleefully running. All gains are accumulative, so be open to being surprised.

I currently live in Alabama and spring comes earlier to enliven the gray landscape. In my head thinking, thinking… I almost missed the beauty of 3 redbud trees, while driving down a country road this week. Their unexpected beautiful blooms took my breath away.

Everything in its time, nothing is rushed and at the same time nothing is wasted. There are no jagged transitions or crude disconnects in nature.

Change however is difficult for us. We don’t seem to give credence to the fact that like the rose beneath the snow, below our conscious strivings, huge changes are occurring. Stop and reflect a moment and you will know at a deep level… this is where your essence, your truth resides.

To change is one of the great dreams of every heart. We get bored with the usual day in, day out limitations, pain, and superficial encounters and we yearn for more. Most of these conditions are self-imposed because we are afraid of the adventure. So we settle and continue the same old patterns of behaviors because we won’t risk what we consider the danger in change. Even though change being a constant, is happening with or without us.

What is your Spring-time story? Uncover why you hold yourself back. Be curious and ask yourself:

  • What threshold do I need to cross for change to occur?
  • What do I need to leave behind for change to occur?
  • What am I waiting for? A crisis that allows no options and prevents change in a timely manner?
  • Have I become addicted to the status quo of my parents, culture, and church? (Do you think it is not an addiction? Why then is it so hard to break away?)
  • Am I waiting for family, friends, colleagues to support me in change?( They may not be able to do so because of their own anxieties)

We all have a story about change; usually a second hand story, passed down through generations to keep us in lock step and thus keep others comfortable. The first thing that we have to do is to come out of denial in order to recognize how the faulty beliefs are passed down. The fear of doing things differently was lodged in your unconscious by others before the age of reason. You may not know what is there, or how to identify what you are feeling, or what to do when you find it.

For more information on this subject and other solutions to life’s Obstacles” go to LauraBYoung.com

You are only a few obstacles away from creating an incredible life

It does not matter where you are on your journey it is never too late, to start.

Start right here! Right now!

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7 Ways Women Lose Feminine Power


How to Reclaim what was Lost

“I don’t know why I stopped coming to see you even though I felt stronger and more hopeful every time. Things are even harder now. I ended things with my partner and have trouble with my emotions, especially anger towards him and myself as I feel like all the others, he used me. Then my job has gotten more stressful. One reason I dropped out is that my sister who has been in therapy for years and told me, like her. I may never be happy. I got discouraged and I think depressed. I said not for me. I got afraid it will take me too long, to get over the hopelessness and helplessness I feel. At the same time I am floundering, going around in circles and every day is the same. I know something better is possible because during the time I came to see you, you helped me believe in myself. I kinda lost that feeling now. I have so much bottled up about my parents, my ex, and early stuff, I ‘m afraid to open up. Please call me”……Amy P.

Do you believe that Amy’s situation is extreme and not anything like what you are experiencing. For sure Amy needs professional help to heal serious early family of origin issues. Under those circumstances it is best to start with a Psychotherapist. Most do not need Professional help, although it does speed things up quite a bit. But if you examine more closely there is a little bit of Amy in every one of us.

 Obviously Amy is suffering from a lack of Feminine Power in many areas of her life. She feels powerless to resolve family toxicity; to choose healthy partnerships. She betrays herself and allows others to influence her; note her sister’s attitude toward life. She is has a belief about not enough time to become healthy (Time Scarcity). She has no inner permission to be happy. (Not enough, or lack). She is losing power on her job and describes herself as floundering.  She feels a lack of power to identify, get clarity and take action. Here is a composite what scarcity looks like. Not enough courage, time, love, support, happiness and on and on.

When women present for help, I find that it is the loss/lack of Feminine Power that is at the core of most problems. Whether it is depression, anxiety, weight management issues, money issues, time issues, health issues, at the core are faulty beliefs about one’s worthiness.

Women who want to make a course correction; know that there is more, much more. Even 1 of these 7 ways you betray yourself can cause a serious setback in realizing your dreams.

My free webinar gives you 7 Proven Ways to Overcome the many problems caused by a lack of Feminine Power, such as Anxiety, Depression, Weight Management, Money Issues, Fear of Change, Self-Limiting Beliefs and not the least of which are complicated by our old nemesis Procrastination.

It doesn’t matter if you are on step two or tentatively moving just half a step. You have begun. It doesn’t matter where you are on the spectrum between feeling vulnerable and helpless or at the other end confident and exuding Feminine Power. Frequently we experience our Feminine Power in one area but in another… not so much.

What I share with you in this Webinar is timeless. It doesn’t matter what age you are or how many strategies you have tried before… these are proven approaches that are designed to help you understand and claim or reclaim access to your Feminine Power. All I ask to start is that you make a decision to stop playing by faulty rules and beliefs that have underestimated you strength. Once you do that; you are on your way.

When you claim the power within, own it and love and value all that you are; you will really be at another place in life. You will have stepped into a space of seeing more of the bigger picture and, once that happens, you are changed; therefore, you cannot go back to the life you had yesterday.

To sign up for this free webinar go to: LauraBYoung.com

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Laura B. Young



