S.P.R.I.N.G. Into Fitness

S.P.R.I.N.G. Into Fitness

S.P.R.I.N.G. Into Fitness
by Sally Hughes
Founder of Planet Shark Fitness / Certified Fitness Trainer & Nutritionist

Yep. It's still winter but the BEST spring and summer bodies are built NOW.

Why wait until spring's in full-swing and summer swimwear season arrives?  If you're like most people who resolved to get in better shape on January 1, 2016, this has already dawned upon you and you're most likely assessing your health and fitness resolution's progress right about now.

S. Stop Beating Yourself Up!
We're two months into the New Year and you're still the same size you were this time last year - or worse yet - even bigger!  Stop beating yourself up. You're human and it's not necessarily your fault. For starters, there's a ton of misinformation regarding diets and fitness out there and when you want to lose weight it's especially easy to fall prey to the latest gimmicks, fads, and trends. Plus, since so many food labels are misleading these days, unless you have a degree in nutrition, it's unlikely you realize the amount of junk you're ingesting in the name of 'low-fat', 'organic', 'natural' etc. And if all this nutritional nonsense wasn't bad enough, there's all those fitness magazines brainwashing you about getting 'bikini ready abs' by doing endless crunches, etc. Bottom line: Great abs are built in the kitchen. Want great abs? Eat right. Want to lose body fat? Strength train and boost your metabolism. Want to eternally hate working out and be in the same boat next year? Then do cardio! - For real. Look around the gym. Where are the best bodies? ... 99% - ALWAYS in the "weight room."

P. Pace Yourself!
Just as you didn't gain 20 lbs. overnight, neither shall you lose it. Be patient and pace yourself. Set a reasonable goal of losing 1/2 to 1 pound of fat per week. Better yet, throw out your scale and rely upon how your clothes fit.  If you simply can't bear to toss the scale, remember this rule: To lose one pound each week, you need to maintain a weekly 3500 calorie deficit. If calorie crunching such a high number isn't your thing, break it down. By merely averaging a 100 calorie daily deficit for one year - without altering anything else you do, you'll automatically be 10 pounds lighter one year from today. Granted, if you've been strength training as you should be - the scale (which you've ideally thrown out!) - might make you wonder. Bottom line: Even if you're the same weight, you'll be much more compact because muscle is far more dense than fat.

R. Release Your Old Habits!
More often than not, it's the little things we repeatedly do that add up to either great success or some sort of self-sabotage. In order to join the former band of happy campers, it's essential to release your old habits once and for all. Whether it's that super sugary frozen caramel drink you keep buying at Starbucks in the name of 'coffee', too many dinners out and not enough home-cooked meals, or convincing yourself that you have no time to work out, it's time to change things up! As Albert Einstein so eloquently put it: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Bottom line: To think your health, fitness and weight loss efforts operate differently is even more insane, period.

I. Ignite Your Inner Winner!
We all have a winning spirit within but it's up to each of us to ignite our own. No one can do this for you. Not your gym. Not your trainer. Not your significant other. In order to achieve the body you want, you must simply take charge. Don't think you can... Know you can! Aim to win, keep your eyes on the prize and visualize your success. You are in full control of what you consume as well as your activity level and you'll be astounded by what sheer will can accomplish. Bottom line: The ball is in YOUR court - so stop making excuses and ignite your inner winner!

N. Never Doubt Your Dream!
Yes, it's daunting. Of course, it's frustrating. But you have choices here. Either give up on your dream body, keep dreaming about it (without working for it), or GO FOR IT! Again, while it might take some time and will certainly take some effort, you CAN do it.  Start by making small changes: drink more water, eat more fiber, get a good night's sleep and move your body every single day - and the rest will soon take care of itself. Bottom line: Your 'dream body' is only a dream if you allow it to be.

G. Get Up and Go!
Last but not least: Get up and go! The more you move your body, the more it will literally crave movement. The less you move it, the more it will increase your inability to move. Want knee replacement surgery at age 40? Keep on dragging that extra weight. Ready for diabetes? Do the same. Looking for a host of coronary health issues. Ditto. But it doesn't have to be this way because you have the power to get up and go RIGHT NOW! Remember:  Every day, you're either getting stronger or allowing deterioration to set in. The choice is yours. Bottom line: It's not about New Year's resolutions or summer swimwear season after all - it's about you and your lifelong health.

Thank you very much for reading this. As always, I welcome your feedback and salute your health and fitness efforts.

Yours in fitness & health,
Founder Planet Shark Fitness


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Saturday, May 4, 2013


Why Complex Carbs Are Your Body’s Best Friend

Why Complex Carbs Are Your Body’s Best Friend
by Sally Hughes
Founder Planet Shark Fitness/Certified Fitness Trainer & Nutritionist

“Fat burns in the flame of carbohydrates” is a well-known quote that seems to have gone out of fashion ever since ultra high-protein/low carb diets became trendy. Yet, while trends come and go, the one truism you can ALWAYS count on is that complex carbs are your body’s best friend!

Since all carbs aren’t created equal, it’s important to note the differences between complex carbs and simple ones.

Complex carbohydrates come from the starch and fiber in whole grains, legumes, potatoes and root vegetables. Simple carbs include the simple sugars found in fruits, milk, honey, sugar, beer, etc. Since fiber-rich complex carbs take longer to digest while simple carbs are quickly digested, they help you feel full longer and are therefore vital for weight loss. In addition, complex carbs help stabilize your blood sugar and play a key role in preventing ‘the afternoon crash’ so many people experience daily.

As a fitness trainer and nutritionist, I’ve heard many a new client lament about ‘the evils of carbs’ and the endless reasons why they shun them. What these new clients tend to have in common is they’re perpetually overweight, lethargic and constantly hungry. Consequently, it’s my job to relay this message: Complex carbs are your body’s best friend because fat really does burn in the flame of carbohydrates!

Since most of these new clients have tried countless fad diets yet remain as heavy if not heavier than ever, they must 1st accept the fact that the percentage of people who regain the weight they’ve lost on low carb/high protein diets is astounding due to 3 key factors:

1. You’ve lost fat-burning muscle and lowered your metabolism.
2. You’ve re-gained the healthy fluid lost via glycogen depletion.
3. All deprivation diets are impossible to maintain long-term and set you up for the yo-yo diet syndrome, more body fat, et al.

If they’re still not convinced that complex carbs are a staple of all healthy nutritional programs, I bid them the following:
?   They provide fuel for all daily activity including basics like shopping/working plus aerobics, weight training, etc.
?   They’re the primary fuel for the central nervous system which can not fully function without them.
?   Carbohydrates are metabolic primers that are absolutely necessary to completely burn fat!
?   When insulin levels are chronically too low as with very low carb diets, muscle protein breakdown increases and protein synthesis stops.
?   Your metabolism adapts to prolonged low carb/high fat/high protein diets and significantly decreases over time.
?   Unlike high glycemic index simple carbs that set you up to crash and constantly crave them, complex carbs are rich in fiber, low on the GI and vital to your overall health.

At this point, most of my former anti-carb clients are not only sold on trying my ‘Complex Carb Challenge” for 1 month, they’re begging me to tell them the best way to get them. And this is what I tell ‘em:

1. Start your day with whole grains. Try a hot cereal, like steel cut oats, or a cold one that lists a whole grain first on the ingredient list and is low in sugar. For the latter, Uncle Sam Cereal is a must (wheat allergies aside, of course). Loaded with fiber, protein, omegas and more, it’s something I’ve eaten daily for a decade and also highly recommend to family and friends.

2. Vegetables including Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Green Beans and Cauliflower are other good sources of complex carbohydrates.

3. Legumes (aka Beans such as Chick Peas, Lentils, Soybeans, etc.) double as a complex carb plus an excellent source of lean low-fat protein.

4. 'Super grains' like Barley, Quinoa, Bulgur, Spelt, Brown Rice, and Buckwheat also contain healthy fiber, fats, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and photo-chemicals.

5. Fresh fruits are complex carbohydrates that provide a myriad of benefits including cancer and heart disease prevention. Some best bets include Grapefruit, Prunes, Apples, Pears, and Berries. (Fruit juice is not a complex carbohydrate in that the fiber present in whole fruits has largely been removed.

So what are you waiting for? Try my "Complex Carb Challenge” this month and see for yourself that fat DOES burn in the flame of carbohydrates and complex carbs are really and truly your body’s best friend!

Yours in fitness and health,
Founder Planet Shark Fitness/Certified Fitness Trainer and Nutritionist


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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Top 10 Pieces of Fitness Equipment You Need to Create a 'Home Gym' for Under $100

The Top 10 Pieces of Fitness Equipment You Need to Create a 'Home Gym' for Under $100
by Sally Hughes
Founder of Planet Shark Fitness / Certified Fitness Trainer & Nutritionist

Exercising at home is a really convenient way to get in shape or stay in shape and a basic home gym doesn't need to be filled with expensive equipment to be highly effective. In fact, all you really need are the following 10 items which can easily be tucked away in the corner of your garage, basement, or any closet in order to get a good workout in the comfort of your own own home.

Since most of these can be purchased for the prices noted below at places like Ross, Marshall's, etc. (where they're usually found in both the women's and men's active wear departments), there's no excuse for not getting your home fitness regimen mojo happening ASAP. By getting creative in their usage plus adding some body weight exercises such as push ups, planks, etc., you'll be on the fast-track to achieving your fitness goals in no time!

Plus, after you acquire this basic equipment, you can always add on a few more items that cater to your specific exercise needs and budget.

1 Swiss Ball/Stability Ball (pump included) $8  (Ross)
1 15 lb. Kettle Bell $15 (Marshall's)
1 Set of 'Heavy Duty' Resistance Bands $10 (Ross)
1 High Speed Jump Rope $5 (Ross)
1 Set of Ankle Weights - ideally 2.5 lbs. each $5 (Ross)
1 8 lb. Medicine Ball $10 (Marshall's)
1 25 lb Plate (with handles) $20 (Sports Authority)
1 'Yoga' Mat $10 (Ross)
1 Pair of 10 lb. Dumbbells $10 (Ross)
1 Pair of Push Up Handles $5 (Ross)


As for how to make the most of this equipment, I bid you the following:

1. Swiss Ball/Stability Ball - In addition to ab work,  you can use your stability ball as a 'bench' to bench press, do incline flyes, reverse flyes and more.
2. What can you NOT do with a Kettle Bell?   Some of my faves include kettle bell swings, lunges, squats, rows and lumber-jacks.
3. Resistance Bands Rock! Some best bets include upright rows, bicep curls, side laterals, shrugs and rows.
4. Yes, doing cardio bites but would you rather spend $500+ on a treadmill or $5 on a High Speed Jump Rope? Try it out. If it's not your thing, then take it to Good Will. Bottom line: jumping rope burns a lot of calories and costs practically nothing. Plus, it'll make you feel like a kid again.
5. Ankle Weights - While I do NOT recommend using them for walking or jogging, they WILL amp up your ab routine and therefore, I consider them to be a sage, low-cost investment.
6. What I most love about Medicine Balls is how versatile they are. Whether you're doing ab work, side lunges, or a host of other moves, you can count on your medicine ball to never let you down.
7. 'Why get a 25 lb plate with handles?' -  you ask. GREAT question! For one thing, you can use it for squats and dead lifts. You can also do one of my fave moves known as 'Around the World' and strengthen your back. In addition and because of its handles, you can do bicep curls, rows and the Russian Twist for your abs.
8. While I don't do yoga these days, I firmly believe a 'Yoga' Mat is still a good investment unless you'd like rug burn along with your 'feel the burn' workout.
9. And what about that pair of 10 lb. dumbbells?  Granted, this may or may not be a necessity if you have all of the above equipment (or if 10 lbs is way below your strength threshold), but for the average person, this is an ideal weight for lunging, curling, tricep kick backs, etc. It's also a great way to get stronger if you're stuck on a plateau or want to increase your muscular endurance by doing more reps at a lower weight.
10. Push Up Handles are cool in the sense they force you to work just a little bit harder than you would by utilizing your body weight alone. Would I buy them if they cost $20? NO. But for 5 bucks, I say YES because not only do they challenge me but they remind me to do my push-ups! Plus if you ever bake a casserole and don't have a trivet, you can spare your table by placing the baking dish upon your push up handles! :)

Two Bonus Tips: You can create a home-made kettle bell by freezing a gallon of water and a home-made medicine ball by filling an old basketball with sand  - or even cat litter! - then plugging it.

These top ten tips are simply my humble opinion as somebody who's worked in the fitness industry for over a decade. What I'd love to hear are YOUR thoughts. What did I miss? Please post your comments and let me know ... We're all on this fitness journey together and your feedback is invaluable.


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Love this Sally and appreciate your sharing with us!!!


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