Spring Equinox Peace Circle & Ceremony
Shirley Lynn Martin
Soul and Life Coach & Whole Life Therapies/Spiritual Healer at Feathers, Rainbows & Roses
Good afternoon everyone: We have just entered into March and the awakening of Spring. At a recent full moon ceremony, I heard an Anishinaabe teaching on Spring that has deeply affected me and has changed the way I relate with Mother Earth at this time. It has also gentled the way I approach my own intentions and the actions to take given what Mother Earth is doing to make Spring happen. And so I’ve asked Anishinaabe Kwe Mary Anne Caibaiosai, a beautiful friend of mine, to come and share this teaching at Peace Circle. Our sharing time, our journaling time, our carrying forward the intentions and seeds we imagined at Winter Solstice aligned with the life force of Spring and our Mother Earth and her thawing waters.
Regardless of what is happening in our world, Mother Earth will gift us with Spring. So come and join me in Peace circle to restore yourself, to attune yourself to ‘right action’ in your intentions and imaginal seeds, to connect with women from all walks of life in a time of respect and appreciation for who we are as brave women in our chaotic world.
As before, we will share stories, make space for journaling, do ceremony and ritual together, and nurture our spirits and hearts and minds and bodies.
Give yourself the gift of circle to awaken and birth new life into your journey and consciousness and join Peace Circle with all us very brave women!
Here are some details:
March 21st: 7-9:30pm online (doors open at 6:30pm) : Zoom link will be sent upon registration a week before!
Fee: $45.00 plus hst = $50.85. ( See further details below)
**Please invite a friend to join. The MORE DIVERSITY we have, the greater the healing and joy we will know.** OR forward to someone you believe may benefit
So if you decide you would like to join me, please let me know at [email protected]. I’ve decided that with the all the concerns that have become ever heightened in the last 2 years through the pandemic, I am offering you some options in registering. Pick the one that best works for you. Those who identify as BIPOC or LGBTQ+ may join free of any fee. If you still wish to contribute towards your community in some way, I am grateful for you to find a good way to do that.
1. Pay $50.85 (taxes included) for attending this Peace Circle to me at [email protected] as the normal fee or donation for my time (e-transfer).
2. Instead...GIve a gift of time, talent, treasure ($), true ally/friendship to a cause supporting Indigenous language and knowledge learning, MMIW, finding the residential school children who never came home, or building and empowering black and brown communities, LBGTQ+, or towards anti-semitic policy work, or your local food bank or animal fund for those who need vet care (ie. Farley Foundation)
3. Offer a donation to my Angel Trust Fund which offers BIPOC clients (appropriate to what I can offer) the gift of Reiki and whole life therapies from me or for your friend to attend Peace Circle now or some other time. (Ask me more about this fund if you wish to contribute)
For those who register, please let me know how you will donate and contribute towards the blessing of peace circle, towards blessing this upcoming season of light and towards blessing our communities. Spread the sparkles of peace.
Once you register, I will send out the link and peace circle reminders of how we will be together in circle.
I look forward to hearing from you!