Spring Dependency Injection

Spring Dependency Injection

If you are working on a project where spring is being used, you must have heard about the term ‘Spring Dependency Injection’. If not, this is the right time to dig into it as much as possible without further delay. Needless to say, Spring dependency Injection is the heart of the whole Spring Framework. I would also suggest you go through the practical knowledge of it. However, it is also true that someone can’t understand the concept of Spring Dependency Injection only having theoretical knowledge.

If you are expecting to learn all the basic and crucial concepts behind the Spring Dependency Injection step by step, if you don’t want to revise the concept more than a hundred times to make it clear, and if you want to face all the cross-questions on dependency injection, you are at the right place. In contrast, If you are directly searching for the definition of dependency injection, and only want to remember it just to answer in the interview without facing the cross-questions on it, this article may not be useful for you. Let’s start discussing our topic ‘Spring Dependency Injection’ and its related concepts.

Table of Contents

  • 1?What is Inversion Of Control (IoC)?
  • 2?What is Spring Container?
  • 3?What is a Spring Bean?
  • 4?What is Dependency in Spring?
  • 5?What is a dependent bean in Spring?
  • 6?Which type of dependencies can a Spring Container Inject?
  • 6.1?Primitive Type Dependency?
  • 6.2?Collection Type Dependency?
  • 6.3?Reference Type Dependency?
  • 7?What is an Object Dependency?
  • 8?What is Injection in the term Spring Dependency Injection??
  • 9?What is Spring Dependency Injection (DI)?
  • 10?How many ways to implement Spring Dependency Injection?
  • 11?What is Autowiring?
  • 11.1?Autowire Disambiguation
  • 12?What are the types of Spring Dependency Injection??
  • 12.1?Setter-Based Injection
  • 12.2?Constructor-Based Injection?
  • 12.3?Field or Property-Based Injection?
  • 13?When to use @Autowired(required = false) ?
  • 14?How to inject Java Collections as a Dependency in Spring?
  • 15?How to inject bean/object references as an element of a Collection in Spring?
  • 16?What are the benefits of Dependency Injection?
  • 17?What are the disadvantages of Dependency Injection?
  • 18?FAQ
  • 18.1?When To Use Setter Injection and When To Use Constructor Injection?

What is Inversion Of Control (IoC)?

Inversion Of Control (IoC) is a concept of software engineering, where the control of objects or a block of a program is transferred to a container or framework. IoC allows a container to take control of the flow of a program and make calls to our custom code rather than making calls to a library. To implement IoC, the Spring Dependency Injection concept is used.

What is Spring Container?

In the Spring framework, the interface ‘ApplicationContext’ represents the Spring container. The Spring container takes responsibility for instantiating, configuring, and assembling objects (Spring beans) and managing their life cycles as well. In order to create beans, the Spring container takes the help of configuration metadata, which can be in the form of either XML configuration or annotations. Spring Container is the short form of?‘Spring IoC container’ and they are used interchangeably. For further reading on Spring Container, kindly visit the Spring Official website (spring.io).

What is a Spring Bean?

In the context of Spring Framework, an object which is managed (instantiated, configured & assembled) by the Spring container is known as Spring bean.

What is Dependency in Spring?

Before learning Spring Dependency Injection, let’s discuss what is ‘Dependency In Spring’ first. Let’s consider a simple core Java class ‘Invoice’ as shown below.

public class Invoice 

   String name;
   Double amount;
   List<String> items;
   Vendor vendor;
   TaxDetails taxDetails;

class Vendor { 


interface TaxDetails {


As shown in the code snippet above, an Invoice is a class that has various instance variables: name, amount, items, vendor, and taxDetails. If we want to create an object of Invoice, we need all instance variables. In other words, the instantiation of the class Invoice depends on all the instance variables inside the class. In the context of Spring, our Invoice class/bean has six dependencies: name, amount, items, vendor, and taxDetails. Now, let’s talk about different types of dependencies that Spring Container can inject.

What is a dependent bean in Spring?

When we talk about Spring Dependency Injection, it becomes important to know about dependent beans in Spring. Let’s look into the previous example of the Invoice class. When we define the Invoice class as a bean in spring, since it has dependencies, it will be called a dependent bean.

Which type of dependencies can a Spring Container Inject?

Spring container can inject dependencies if the dependent variable’s data type is any one of the following.

1) Primitive Type?2) Collection Type?3) Reference Type (User defined Type)

Based on the data type of the instance variables, we have three types of dependencies.

Primitive Type Dependency?

If a variable has its data type from the below list, then the dependency is Primitive Type Dependency. Please note that String is also considered a primitive type in Spring.

byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, char, String

Collection Type Dependency?

If a variable has its data type from the below list, then the dependency is Collection Type Dependency. Please note that the Properties is a class, whereas all others are interfaces. They come under java.util package.

List, Set, Map, Properties

Reference Type Dependency?

If a variable is created using a class or an interface as its data type, then the dependency is Reference Type Dependency. In real-time Reference, Type Dependency is the most commonly used term for dependency. In our example above, variables vendor and taxDetails come under this dependency.

What is an Object Dependency?

When an object depends on another object(s), we call it to object dependency. In fact, this is the same as Reference Type Dependency as described above. In the context of the Spring framework, when a bean depends on another bean(s), we also call it bean dependency. Moreover, the parent bean is called the dependent bean and the instance variables inside the bean are called dependencies.

What is Injection in the term Spring Dependency Injection??

As the word ‘injection’ suggests, inserting something into another thing. In fact, injection is the process of inserting values into variables while creating an object. If we talk about objects, the process of inserting one object into another object is called injection. In this case, the variable will be a reference-type variable.

What is Spring Dependency Injection (DI)?

Spring Dependency Injection (DI) is the feature of the core module of the Spring Framework, where the Spring Container injects other objects into an object. Here, other objects are nothing but dependencies (instance variables) that are declared in the class (Spring Bean).

How many ways to implement Spring Dependency Injection?

There are two ways to implement dependency injection:

1) XML Based

2) Java Annotation Based

In this article, we will focus on Java Annotation-based Configuration, which is the most advanced, easy to implement, and used widely across the software industry.

What is Autowiring?

Spring Container detects the relationship between the beans either by reading the XML Configuration file or by scanning the Java annotations at the time of booting up the application. Further, it will create the objects & wire the dependencies. Since Spring Container does this process automatically, it is referred to as Autowiring i.e., Automatic Wiring. Developer only needs to provide @Autowired annotation at a specific place.

Autowire Disambiguation

If more than one bean of the same type is available in the container, the framework will throw a NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException,?indicating that more than one bean is available for autowiring. This is referred to as autowire Disambiguation. To resolve this conflict, we need to tell Spring explicitly which bean we want to inject. In order to handle this situation, we make use of @Primary or @Qualifier annotations along with @Autowired annotation.

We can use autowiring on properties, setters, and constructors.?Hence, there are three types of dependency injection.

What are the types of Spring Dependency Injection??

Setter Based Injection

When Spring Container provides values to variables using the setter method, we call it Setter Injection. In this case, Spring Container uses the default constructor to create the object. When the annotation?@Autowired is used on top of the class’s setter method, it is known as Setter-based Dependency Injection.

public class Vendor{
   int code; 
   String name;

public class Invoice{
   private Vendor vendor;

   public void setVendor(Vendor vendor){

As shown in the example above, the Vendor class has been created using @Component annotation. Hence, the Spring container will automatically detect it while starting up the application and will create a bean object for the Vendor class. Further, when the Spring container detects that the Vendor bean object has been Autowired (using @Autowired) into the Invoice class setVendor() method, the bean object created for Vendor will be injected into the Invoice class via the setter method.

Constructor Based Injection?

When Spring Container provides values to variables using the parameterized constructor, we call it Constructor Injection. Please note that Spring Container uses the parameterized constructor to create the object in this case. When the annotation?@Autowired is used on top of the class constructor, it is known as Constructor-based Dependency Injection.

public class Vendor{  
   int code;   
   String name;

public class Invoice{

   private Vendor vendor;

   public Invoice(Vendor vendor){

As shown in the example above, the Vendor class has been created using @Component annotation. Hence, the Spring container will automatically detect it while starting up the application and will create a bean object for the Vendor class. Further, when the Spring container detects that the Vendor bean object has been Autowired (using @Autowired) into the Invoice class constructor, the bean object created for Vendor will be injected into the Invoice class via constructor.

Field or Property Based Injection?

When the annotation @Autowired is used on top of the field or property in the class, it is known as Field-based Dependency Injection.

public class Vendor{  
   int code;   
   String name;

public class Invoice{

  private Vendor vendor;

Similar to both Dependency Injection, here the Autowiring takes place by means of the field?vendor. The bean object created for the Vendor class will be Autowired & injected via the field, ‘vendor’ in the Invoice class.

In this case, while creating the Invoice object, if there’s no constructor or setter method is available to inject the Vendor bean, the container will use reflection to inject Vendor into Invoice.

When to use @Autowired(required = false)?

Suppose a bean is not registered with Spring Container and we try to apply the @Autowired annotation on it, then Spring will throw an exception because the required dependency is missing. In this case, we can use @Autowired(required = false) to tell Spring Container that this dependency is optional. In doing so, Spring will not throw any exception for the missing dependency.

How to inject Java Collections as a Dependency in Spring?

As aforementioned, we can use List, Set, Map, and Properties as an example of dependency injection.

Let’s create an example bean class:

public class ListCollectionBean {

   private List<String> listOfLanguages; 
   public void printLanguageList() {

Now, let’s register the ListCollectionBean?in the?configuration setup class:

public class ListCollectionConfig { 
   public ListCollectionBean getListCollectionBean() {
      return new ListCollectionBean(); 
   public List<String> listOfLanguages() {
      return List.of("Java", "Scala", "Python"); 

Similarly, we can inject any type of Collection as a dependency.

How to inject bean/object references as an element of a Collection in Spring?

In the above example, we have seen the injection of a Collection where elements are String. Here in this section, we will look at a collection where elements of the collection will be bean/object references.

Let’s create a bean:

public class MyTestBean {

? ? private String name; 
    public MyTestBean(String Name){

And add a?List?of?MyTestBean as a property to the MyCollectionBean class as below:

public class MyCollectionBean 
   @Autowired(required = false) 
   private List<MyTestBean> beanList; 
   public void printBeanList() { 

Now, let’s create a configuration class and create some beans of type MyTestBean as below:

public class CollectionConfig { 
   public MyTestBean getFirstObject() {
      return new MyTestBean("bean1"); 
   public MyTestBean getSecondObject() {
      return new MyTestBean("bean2"); 
   public MyTestBean getThirdObject() {
      return new MyTestBean("bean3"); 
   // other methods 

Here, Spring Container will inject the specific beans of the MyTestBean type into the collection. Further, on invoking the printBeanList() method, the output will show the bean names as list elements: [bean1, bean2, bean3].

If you want the Spring container to inject the beans in a particular order, you can use @Order annotation with index. For example, the below code demonstrates the concept. In order to have a complete understanding of @Order annotation, kindly visit a separate article on the?@Order annotation?of Spring Annotations.

public class CollectionConfig { 
   public MyTestBean getFirstObject() {
      return new MyTestBean("bean1"); 
   public MyTestBean getSecondObject() {
      return new MyTestBean("bean2"); 
   public MyTestBean getThirdObject() {
      return new MyTestBean("bean3"); 

As per the @Order annotation shown above, the injection order will be: bean2, bean1, bean3

What are the benefits of Dependency Injection?

1) Most importantly, dependency Injection helps in achieving loose coupling between objects.

2) As the dependency between objects becomes loosely coupled, it helps the developers to test the module by injecting the dependent Mock Objects (for example, making use of Spring Mockito).

3) When the objects are independent of each other & can be injected, the scope of code reusability increases.

4) It makes code more readable. We don’t have to look through all the code to see what dependencies we need to satisfy for a given component. They are all visible in the interface.

What are the disadvantages of Dependency Injection?

1) As the Dependency Injection offers loose coupling, it concludes increasing the number of classes & interfaces.

2) While implementing the Dependency Injection, the Spring container takes control rather than the developer. Hence, it becomes difficult for the developers to learn how things work in the background & also to have customization.


When To Use Setter Injection and When To Use Constructor Injection?

This is the most important question in the context of Spring Dependency Injection and there is a high chance of appearing in an interview. There are various scenarios where one is better to use than another.

1) If all the bean properties of a Spring Bean class must participate in dependency injection, then we should prefer constructor injection. For example, If the Spring Bean class is having 5 bean properties and all of them are participating in dependency injection, then we just need to create one 5-params constructor to complete the job. In contrast, if we go with setter injection we need to take 5 setter methods to complete the job.

2) If bean properties of the Spring bean class are optional to participate in the dependency injection i.e. different times and different numbers of bean properties may participate in the dependency injection, then we should prefer the setter injection. For example, If the Spring Bean class is having 5 bean properties, then we just need 5 setter methods at the maximum. In contrast, to do the same job using constructor injection we need to take 120 (5*4*3*2*1) overloaded constructors to do the same job.

3) If in the Spring Bean class, few properties are mandatory to participate in the spring dependency injection and other properties are optional to participate, then we should use constructor injection for mandatory properties and setter injection for optional properties. For example, If the Spring Bean class is having 5 bean properties, in which 3 properties are mandatory to participate in the spring dependency injection and 2 properties are optional to participate, then add a 3-params constructor for mandatory injection and add 2 setter methods for optional injection.


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