In our area it seems like we've come into some spring time weather. All though we don't know how long it will last, sometimes it gives us the motivation we need to clean up from our winter "hibernation." J & M Janitorial Services hopes these tips will help you get ready for the nicer weather!
**The best way to clean is from top to bottom. Dust falls, so you don't want to clean your floors then clean your ceiling fan. You'll just have to wipe the floors again! If possible, open a few windows. It will freshen the air in your house, and give you a little motivation to get started!**
Ceiling Fans / Wall & Floor Vents - You can use a soft nozzle attachment for your vacuum to help clear dirt and dust from the vent covers. After this you can use a damp rag or washcloth to wipe away any remaining dust. You don't need to use the vacuum and attachment for the fan blades, but if they are super high up, it may help!
Walls / Cabinets / Baseboards / Woodwork - Believe it or not, walls do pick up dust through the winter season. It is best to only give them a seasonal cleaning, and always do a small spot test. The best way to "wash" them is to use a clean sponge with water and small amount of hand soap. Use two bowls, one for the solution and one to wring out your sponge after wiping the wall. Work in sections, and make sure your sponge is damp, not soaking wet. After you complete each section, be sure to dry the wall with a clean cloth. This will work with cabinets, baseboards, and woodwork as well. However, cabinets located near the stove may require more TLC. There are many degreasers that can cut through the grease that can come from cooking. Don't forget to empty the cabinet drawers and give them a wipe out!
Microwave - Steam vinegar, lemon water, or just plain water to loosen those stuck on food particles. Then simply wipe it out with a clean cloth.
Oven / Stove - You can create a paste with 1/2 cup of baking soda and a few tablespoons of water. Then use the paste to coat the inside of your oven (don't forget to remove the racks) or stovetop. Let the paste sit for a few hours, or over night. Then simply wipe away the mess with a damp cloth! If you have a tough spot you can spray a little vinegar to help loosen it (it will create a "fizz" that cuts through tough grease). Make sure you do a good job wiping everything away, you don't want to leave any paste behind!
Refrigerator - Many people don't realize that your condensor coil needs to be cleaned. If left with built up dust, it can cause the refrigerator to over heat. It is usually located behind the toe grille. Use a long handled brush to knock off dust and a vacuum with a long hose attachment to clean it up. You can also pull your fridge out a few feet to reach the coils in the back. While you have it out, you might as well collect everything thats gotten knocked under there!
Bathrooms - If you have tough stains on your toilet, sink, or shower, soak them in white vinegar. You can also use white vinegar to unclog a stubborn shower head. Just put some in a plastic bag and tie it over the shower head, then let soak over night! This can be better than bleach if you have little ones running around.
Towels - Use vinegar and baking soda in your washing machine to restore the fluffiness and absorbency of your towels. This will also help clean your washing machine! Two birds with one stone!
Carpets / Upholstry / Curtains - Through out the winter season these fabrics catch dust, germs, body oils, and dirt. They need a good cleaning after the winter season! Remember, ALWAYS ALWAYS do a spot test!! You can rent a steam cleaner if you don't have one, as that tends to best the most effective for carpets. Put a piece of foil or wax paper around furniture legs to prevent them from soaking up moisture. To get rid of pet hair, put on a pair of rubber gloves and use your hand to run along the fabric. The hair will stick to the rubber gloves. This will also work with a slighly damp cloth. Fabreeze works wonders on freshening up fabrics. Ozium works great for tougher smells such as smoke or pet accidents.
Hard Floors - Once every year or so (depending on traffic) wax and apply sealer to protect from wear and tear. These can be purchased at home repair stores. Be sure to follow all directions, as each brand can be different. They also have special cleaners and wax for wood floors, be sure to pay attention when making these purchases!