Spring Cleaning is Not Just For Your Home

Spring Cleaning is Not Just For Your Home

Happy first day of spring! The spring equinox marks a time of transition from winter into spring, from dark into light, from dormancy into blooming, from slowing down to “springing” to action!?

Traditionally this is the preferred time of the year to cleanse and detox as we come out of hibernating through winter with heavier, denser foods, into lighter plant-based foods. No wonder a lot of religions recommend various forms of fasting around this time of year.

Bitter green herbs can help our liver work better, reduce inflammation and toxic burden. Pungent and carminative herbs and spices can also be helpful. Having bone broth fasts, or kitchari can be a good way to lessen the burden of digestion and support detox as well.??

My favorite Ayurvedic herb company Banyan Botanicals is having a site wide Spring Cleanse Sale. (And good news... the Basmati Rice is restocked just in time for kitchari season!)

Get 20% Off select cleansing products with the discount code: RENEWED (valid until 3/30!).

P.S. I'd love to know - what's your favorite thing about jumping into spring?

#ayurveda #springequinox #sale #renewal #detox #detoxification #fasting #fastingmimicking #holistichealth #ayurveda #livingbanyancreator , @banyanbotanicals, #livingbanyan , #partnership


