Spring Cleaning Just Ahead
Michael Tsouroupakis
Founder & CEO of Synaply Empowering Sales Teams with AI-Driven Insights and Collaboration
By Anastasia and Michael Tsouroupakis
Spring has finally arrived! Winter was exceptionally brutal in our neck of the woods, with record breaking temperatures as low as -25 C and -40 C when you factor in the wind chill, but the end is finally in sight. This is why we decided to dedicate the next few blogs to getting ourselves ready for spring. Sunny days with the temperatures creeping their way over 0 C have resulted in huge snow melts where we can now see the sidewalks, driveways and lawns; they do not look pretty. Old man winter has left our homes looking worn, dirty and dreary. Here is a checklist to help you get the outside of your home ready for spring.
- Check your roof for any loose tiles and replace them immediately. The harsh winter weather wreaks havoc on your roof tiles, now is the time before the spring showers start to replace or fix any loose or damaged tiles.
- Clean out your gutters and make sure the downspouts are clear and aimed far away from your house. This will help prevent any spring thaw water damage to your home.
- Clear your front lawns, walkways, flower beds etc. of winter debris.
- Prune and mulch around your trees and bushes, this will get them ready for the spring bloom.
- Re-plant and replace the stuff winter killed. Our Canadian winters are hard on even the hardiest of plants, remove dead shrubs and clean up dead branches.
- Re Sod and re seed. The grass that lines your driveway and pathways is often a casualty of winter. When we salt our driveways and pathways most times the salt ends up on the grass. Replace these brown and yellowed patches with either sod or seed.
- Change burned out outdoor bulbs.
- Clean up your doors and windows. Touch up your doors and door frames or slap on a fresh coat of paint altogether. Take the opportunity to clean your windows from the inside as well as the outside. Clean doors and window will instantly brighten the look of your home.
Happy Cleaning!!