Spring Cleaning! Get rid of the stuff you don't need. Decluttered.
Danny Laker
Mom | Producer | Writer | Actress | Serial Entrepreneur | Author | Visionary | Investor
Happy Springtime!
Germany, in the hear of Europe, spring finally makes its way to us. Well it seems at least for some parts of the days. Spring cleaning, decluttering and more and more people go out and experience the city, cafes, nature. You see as well the people lightening up, after this nasty past weeks of cold, rain and freezing temperatures.
But enough about the weather - just to set the scene; the past week was about decluttering not just for me, but as well in my clients and business partners lives and that brought me to the topic of stop doing.
Before you start something new
Often we get all head over heels like an infatuated teenager, when starting something new. But before we get there it is essential to make space for the new. Best explained with the image of a closet. Every now and than you realize, that your closet is so packed, that shelves and the rod with all the hangers is almost bursting because of the load. 'Time to declutter!' I did this the past week, cleaning and clearing my house and therewith saying good buy to items but as well the connected aspirations, ideas, memories which go along with that. Space for a new chapter. Space for new ideas. Space for new things to come. Space for new projects, partners, fun.
Decluttering is liberating, not just for your home, your closet or your computer. It makes a difference in how you look at what you value and magnetizes new things into your life, without you doing much.
Don't underestimate the surroundings. I actually did this for quite some time, until I received multiple signs, to start decluttering outside and inside. Detach from an old mindset, detach from old patterns, if you want to start fresh, you need to be 'fresh' and that only happens, when you say good bye and kick it out.
Decluttering Simplified - 3 Questions
It sounds so simple, right? Just get rid of all the things you don't need. Case in point it is and it isn't. Multiple books are out there and the fengshui philosophy and the power all organization and mindfulness consumption gurus out-there, have there own concept they want to sell.
I don't want to sell another concept, but narrow it down to three essential questions I discovered as powerful when decluttering and avoiding the endless loop of 'Perhaps I'll wear it again in a year after I lose weight?' 'Maybe I'll change my style and will regret I gave it away?' 'I won't get much for it, I can keep it just in case'. This is the procrastination monster speaking again. If these doubts arise, you can be very certain; it's high time to declutter.
1) What do I get from it?
2) Why do I have problems to let go of it?
3) What do I do when it's gone?
1) You never question value. Period. -
These questions (which are just related to simplify in decluttering your closet, other doubts decluttering your house might vary. You can as well adapt it to your house and toxic or unhealthy connections and relationships.)
Somethings might be valuable for a period of time. We often want to keep everything in our life instead of focusing on what is of real value to us.
Consequently we lose track, lose focus, of what is of real value. So, make a list and if you are unsure if you value something, well, kick it out of you life, set it free. It might be time to pass it on.
2) On to the next one.
As I'm speaking of my recent experience which led to this model, I realized that a helpful step is, to think of the contribution you bring with giving away, letting go and setting free. In other words, to have a succession plan for what you no longer need.
There we are again, in the next procrastination trap. Both, with physical items and with relationships, projects, etc. There is this next step of 'keeping', 'hoarding' and you know, this is NOT by all means decluttering. You still hold on to things you put carefully in a bag, box, closet in the basement. This is not decluttering. You keep it for a reason: you are still somehow emotionally connected to it. Something is there that holds an old part of your life you want to 'keep'. But why? Here an example again. I held on to sunglasses, an ex bought me after a fight. These sunglasses were already 10 years old, they already weren't in the best shape but I kept it. For whatever reason, that pair of sunglasses remained. The other stuff reminding me of that time all long gone.
After I had set out my intention to declutter my closet, basement, life and really look at what is part of my life I want to have, the sunglasses were stolen in 5 seconds when I put them down to sign something at the local post office. Crazy, right? Coincidence? I don't know. But it was weird, and it led to think about how liberating it is to really free yourself from old stuff and the emotions that were connected to it and many more things interestingly happened after that to clean more and more what did not serve me.
Sometimes it as well helps to know there is kind of a succession plan (hence the stop-over in the basement or in neatly arranged boxes and bags, before it finally leave the house. Usually, if you can't let go immediately of an item or person that don't serve you anymore, there is a block, wound or emotionally underlying aspect, you need to look at. In other words: an unsolved case.
Same is true for relationships and money e.g. debt and paperwork. Hint: actually it already starts with the 'words'. 'I might need it' 'I will never get something like that again.' 'It was a gift.' means you are not ready to embrace and receive the new things and people in your life. That's no woo-woo, this is plain psychology, because you tell it to yourself first.
3) Fear to feel a gap when its gone
This sounds almost like you're putting your loved one to the grave, right? As insane as it sounds, our inner procrastination monster to let go, finds ourselves in this subliminal grieving phase. Everyone knows that there is this phase in a break-up when you realize, well the relationship is leading now-where. We want different things, or we can't really work as a team anymore. The relationship is draining and you feel burned out and still, this little bit of left-over tinted glasses, let you grieve, the good old times, the wonderful first meetings, the experiences you had. Watch your thoughts, when decluttering or putting stuff from the basement or attic out for sale or give it away for free, these wonderful memories and doubts come up again. 'How can you survive without this coffee maker?' 'What if you regret it's gone?' See, we are a family, who does not repair anything. We always say, we have to repair it, but at the end of the day, the stuff sits in the basement or in some corner, waiting for repair, and after a while, the corner with the stuff to be repaired, is cramped and blocking the space. In my spring cleaning, decluttering spree, I called in a family meeting and told my kids to take out all the stuff that is broken and repair it either in the next days or throw it away, sell it but clear the space.
The things that are of value that need repair, will be repaired and you'll put a lot of effort in getting it fixed immediately, like the broken heel of my favorite Prada Pumps, got it repaired right away, because they are of value, even after 15 years.
Look at your partnerships, relationships and the connections that are exhausting and taking up space. Clear the space of people who ghosted you (clients do that, too.) Make room for new energy and success. Don't worry about a gap, because as funny as it sounds. You won't miss it really, when you let it go for good. Try it out.
Keep your space clean
Show me your closet and I'll tell you who you really are. That is one of the key messages I used to show the importance of fashion to everyone of us and to sell the idea of fashionXact and the importance of fashion-psychology.
After decluttering we promise ourselves to keep our house, closet, lives clean. No more clutter, no more toxic people, no more excessive shopping of unnecessary items.
It's a process and this process sometimes need guidance, support and someone who helps you to stick to your intention.
Decluttering done right, means you create a space to 'reprogram your brain'.
You don't need to do this all by yourself. That's what I'd love to support you on. Because the decluttering is the first step. Building something new is done most successfully when you have the right foundation and framework to build on.
Sometimes it requires an entire refocussing on where you want to be and who you want to be in life, love and career. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming that you feel it's too much to handle. It's all part of the process and necessary to build and live the life of your dreams.
Giving away is abundance, trust that you will never lack what is of real value to you.
I'll continue decluttering and prepare for our street flee market, my neighbor planned now, if I can help you with decluttering and/or refocusing, let me know and send me a message. Can't wait to support you on your journey attracting the things and people in life that you want and value!
Words that stuck with me?'Some people don't like change, but you have to embrace change, the only alternative is disaster.' - Elon Musk
'Clutter is not just the stuff on your flow it is everything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.' Peter Walsh
Reads that inspire me?‘A Pocket full of Money’ by David Cameron Gikandi.?'The universe has more than enough business and wealth for everyone—way more than enough.'
Chasing you inner Superhero?'You can take away my suits, you can take away my home, but there’s one thing you can never take away from me. I am Iron Man.'?– Iron Man