Spring Cleaning
Gary A Findley
Author | Speaker | Founder and Chairman of the Board for Stellar Service Brands: Restoration 1, bluefrog Plumbing + Drain, The Driveway Company and Softroc | As seen on Undercover Boss with CBS
Chances are you are being bombarded with messages of spring cleaning. And a lot can be said for keeping your house in order. Right now, people are looking at what needs fixing and sprucing up around the home. But it’s just another day at the office for Restoration 1 and bluefrog Plumbing + Drain where service and repairs are what we live and breathe not only in spring...but all year long.
That’s as it should be. Because while some emergencies cannot be avoided, year-round upkeep and maintenance will save you big in the long run. It’s an important lesson I learned at an early age by growing up in the country too.
If you love life on a ranch like I do, you know the land needs working and the animals don’t just take care of themselves. In fact, their homes can become a huge mess in no time. So as a kid in the country, these are the kinds of chores you inherit. From dogs and horses to chickens and bulls, their house is also your house to look after.
That whole idea of riding off into the sunset can be a real-life reality for a country boy. But you don’t just get to saddle up and head for the trails. That only happens after busy days of feeding animas, cleaning stalls and making sure everything is in working order. Keep the barn in tip top shape so-to-speak, and you too can enjoy the best of life’s rewards.
I’m here to tell you that it’s literally that simple for your own home sweet home. It’s one of the largest investments people will make in their lifetime, so it’s important to care for it in the spring and year-round. A well-kept home is a wonderful nest egg, a great return on an investment, and something that can bring you pride and joy for years to come.
So here’s to all the spring cleaning, the home repairs and the fixing up that gets embraced this time of year. If you can make it more of a healthy habit for year-round maintenance, you will enjoy the ride that much more!