Spring clean your relationship
Penny’s Paws for Thought | February 2024
February already, and with Easter at the end of next month, we are thinking about spring. Renewal, change, review of our lifestyles. And relationships.
Enquiries about divorce increase after each New Year, but it is as we head into spring that clients frequently decide to take action.
Last year the problems with mortgage rates and availability didn’t help. However, improvements in the financial markets and the annual boost to housing sales after Easter have traditionally made it possible for couples trapped in a dying marriage, because they couldn’t sell the family home, to escape at last.
And as of last April, there is no longer a need for mudslinging if they want a quick, reasonable separation of their lives and finances in the divorce courts.
Divorce is now based on the breakdown of the marriage, with no requirement to prove fault (or waiting period) once the marriage is over one year old.
None of this means that people rush into divorce without thinking very carefully. Considerations about children, and the inevitable drop in living standard faced by most divorcees mean that clients have usually anguished over whether this is the best thing to do for many months, if not years.
Our job is to help you reach your new life after separation with as little stress and expense as possible. We always use comprehensive disclosure of finances and well-reasoned negotiation to achieve the best fair settlement or court order for the springboard to your new life.
So, if you are looking for advice on how to change your life by separating from a partner you no longer have a real relationship with, call us on 01386 555114 for a free of charge telcon(s) to discuss your case.
If not .. Happy Valentine's ??
01386 555114 |?[email protected]