Spring Clean Your Mind
Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland
Keynote Speaker | Corporate Culture Speaker | Leadership and Development Speaker | Speaker in resilience and business wellbeing | #1 International Best Selling Author | Executive Coach
Spring has sprung!
This season can signify new starts, growth and?is truly the season of renewal. After a cold, harsh winter, nothing lifts our spirits than longer days, sunshine and beautiful blooming flowers.
So this is also the season of decluttering and maybe you are thinking about clearing your wardrobe, your house, your garage.
But how often don’t we think about decluttering our minds?
Why should you declutter your mind and how do you start?
We live in Portugal and we love boating.
One of the things we say when we’re onboard is a tidy boat is a happy boat.
Sarah and I are really tidy and we find that this is helpful because we have 3 year old twin boys and a very busy life.
I find that when things are untidy then easy tasks can feel a little overwhelming.
Whereas if things are tidy and shipshape, even the largest most difficult of tasks I feel I can run towards with clarity and enthusiasm.
If you feel the same way, read on!
I want to share 3 easy ways to achieve decluttering your mind and this will be a huge help to you if you are feeling swamped.
1.Do a daily Brain dump.
Every morning grab a paper and pen and dump everything that is on your mind onto the sheet, it doesn’t matter if it is personal, holiday plans or work, just get it out there, out of your mind and onto the sheet.
2. Take action.
Now go through each one and decide if it needs any action or does it need crossing through as it is just clutter, clogging up your grey matter?
Most of what we worry about is not important and in the future, this list allows you to see it for what it is, important or just clutter.
3. Clear the clutter from your thoughts
Lastly throughout your day ask yourself this question, “Is this thought important or just clutter?”
If the answer is clutter then imagine the thought being screwed up into a tiny ball and thrown into the bin, the clutter bin where thoughts that don’t serve us live!
This process will serve you to create more clarity with your thinking and space in your mind for the things that really matter!
If you need more help to get recoded visit our website here.
Do share your thoughts in the comments and try this exercise and let me know how you felt it went.