
Now that the weather is warming up for many of us, it’s time to think about getting outdoors more. The trees are budding and it’s starting to smell lovely in the mornings, even when the air is still a bit crisp. This is the time of year when lots of people begin to do their spring cleaning.

While you’re busy cleaning out closets and drawers and clearing away the dust bunnies, my advice is to remember to do some spring cleaning on yourself. Now that may make you laugh, but sadly, many of us have been taught from an early age to put necessary tasks, as well as others’ needs, before our own needs. So, each spring I give myself a good spruce up, which I also recommend to my friends and clients.

I like to start by switching the clothes around in my closet. The end of a long gray winter can leave us feeling a bit depressed, especially as many of us have spent much time at home this year. Shifting your clothes from heavy winter wear to comfortable, lighter clothing in brighter colours and fresh prints works wonders to brighten anyone’s mood! Plus, when you pull out clothing you haven’t worn for months, and may have even forgotten about, you may feel like you have a brand new wardrobe, without even having to spend extra cash.

Spring is also the time when I like to get even more exercise, and right now that means getting outside. I go for longer walks as the weather warms up and do my best to eat more spring greens. Getting more exercise and eating healthy, seasonal foods can help us to regulate our weight as well. Plus getting our bodies moving not only helps us drop weight, but also sends great mood-boosting chemicals to our brains, which makes for a terrific pick me up!

As I watch the plants push their way through the earth and open themselves to the sun’s light and fresh air, I’m reminded of my connection to all things, and it motivates me to spend more time feeding my spirit. If you feel like you’ve lost that connection over the winter months, now is a wonderful time to get back to your own personal spiritual practices in the way that way works for you.

I hope you’ll take my advice this spring to treat yourself in some way… a long awaited massage, a jazzy new haircut, or do something else that just helps you feel great. A nice little perk may be just what you need to feel like a whole new you. And new is what spring is all about! Take on every day as a challenge worth conquering.


