Spring Boot with okta : Resolve Error message "PKIX path building failed
Istiaq Hossain Shawon
Senior Software Engineer at Ernst & Young LLP Bangladesh | SCRUM | JAVA | SPRING BOOT | C# | .NET | REST | ANGULAR | jQuery | MSSQL
If you're trying to connect a Spring Boot application with okta from localhost, you may encounter the error message "PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target". This error occurs because the okta server's SSL certificate is not trusted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running the Spring Boot application.
In this article, we will guide you through the steps to configure your JVM to trust the okta server's SSL certificate and resolve this error.
To resolve this error, follow these steps:
Download the SSL certificate from the okta server
keytool -import -alias okta -file okta.crt -keystore "C:/Program Files/Amazon Corretto/jdk11.0.15_9/lib/security/cacerts"
It will prompt you to insert password . By default password is changeit
Write it.
Now Create an spring boot application with okta Configuration and configure your Spring Boot application to use this keystore file with the following settings in your application.yml file:
port: 8080
enabled: true
key-store: "file:/C:/Program Files/Amazon Corretto/jdk11.0.15_9/lib/security/cacerts"
key-store-password: "changeit"
key-store-type: "jks"
key-alias: "okta"
issuer: https://yourdevserver.okta.com/oauth2/default
audience: api://default
client-id: yourclientid7
client-secret: yoursecreidticwS8
scopes: openid, email, profile, offline_access
Now run your spring boot project with necessary OktaOAuth2WebSecurity Configuration .It will connect with okta and run without error.
Note: There are many tutorials available on YouTube and GitHub for creating a Spring Boot project with Okta. You can follow any of them to get started. However, if you encounter the "PKIX path building failed" error while connecting to Okta from your Spring Boot application, follow the steps outlined in this article to resolve the issue. Our objective here is to provide you with a solution to overcome this specific error.
Note: If you get error like "keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Certificate not imported, alias <okta> already exists" then you can use different alias name or delete the existing alias from cacerts.
Use below command to delete alias:
keytool -delete -alias okta -keystore "C:/Program Files/Amazon Corretto/jdk11.0.15_9/lib/security/cacerts"
Note: Check the validity of the SSL/TLS certificate of okta everytime. Make sure that the certificate presented by the server that is you downloaded is valid and has not expired. You can check the validity of the certificate by using a web browser. If you get Error message "PKIX path building failed again try the whole process again.
Sr. Software Engineer @ BS23 | Java | Spring Boot | Mentoring Freshers (Career counseling)
1 年For Windows: ``` keytool -import -alias okta -file okta.crt -keystore "C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk11.0.15_9\lib\security\cacerts" ``` For macOS: ``` keytool -import -alias okta -file okta.crt -keystore "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.15.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts" ``` For Linux: ``` keytool -import -alias okta -file okta.crt -keystore "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-amazon-corretto.x86_64/lib/security/cacerts" ``` Note: The actual path to the `cacerts` file may vary depending on the installation location and the version of Java being used. Please ensure that the path is correct before running the command.