Spring Boot and Node Applications in Docker
Now we are finally getting close to a production setup.
In microservices we have multiple instance of multiple applications running handling all requests. But how do apps run in multiple instances at production ? Well, let's find out
Spring Boot Application in docker
In the last article, we learned how java apps run inside docker environments. Spring Boot applications are also java apps, so the basics remain the same, except for some minor tweaks.
Create a sample SpringBoot application with a ping pong endpoint.
public class Dummy {
public String test(){
return "pong";
Run the app and hit https://localhost:8080/ping and the result will be "pong"
Cool, how do we run this in the docker environment ?
We'll need dockerfile, we'll create image out of it and then finally create a container to run the app.
But first let's create the jar of application. Run command, gradlew clean build in windows terminal, this would create a jar of the application in the build/libs directory
Let's use the same docker file, from last article, for now
# Bring in the OS and java setup
# This will bring up a tiny little container with ubuntu and java setup
FROM openjdk:21-jdk-slim
# This will setup location for our next command execution
# Copy the jar with a different name in /app
COPY build/libs/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
# run the jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]
Now, we let's create the image : docker build -t devdanish.in:springboot-demo .
Run the container : docker run --name springboot-demo devdanish.in:springboot-demo
This will log the standard output, starting springboot application ....
Now as per logs the app is running on port 8080. Let's try to hit it on https://localhost:8080/ping
It won't work !! We'll see why in future articles.
For now, let's update the run command and add an extra argument -p 8080:8080
Stop and terminate the container, we'll start it again with the new command.
docker stop springboot-demo and docker rm springboot-demo
Rerun the application docker run --name springboot-demo -p 8080:8080 devdanish.in:springboot-demo
Now go back to https://localhost:8080/ping and you'll get a response "pong"
So, one take away point : use -p port_number:port_number with webapps for map porting. What is that ?! We'll see in future articles
Node application in Docker
Create a directory and run command npm init -y followed by npm install express
Add a new js file, index.js and paste the code below to create a node application
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.get('/ping', (req, res) => {
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`);
Now run command : node index.js
Hit endpoint : https://localhost:3000/ping Result : pong
So our node app is up and running
Let's run it in docker environment. We already know the steps, so let's start with dockerfile
# Bring OS with node installed
FROM node:20-alpine
# Set working directory
# Copy package.json and install dependencies
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
# Copy the rest of the application code
COPY . .
# Start the application
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
Build the image : docker build -t devdanish.in:node-demo .
Run the container : docker run --name node-demo -p 3000:3000 devdanish.in:node-demo
Check on https://localhost:3000/ping , result : "pong"
Great ???? Now we have successfully learned to run webapps in docker.
In the next article, we'll learn to pass environment variables more.
Since I get time to draft these only on the weekends, you can checkout my notes at technotes.devdanish.in/docker