Spring Boot GraphQL API Project Tutorial with Example for Microservice Developers
Spring boot GraphQL project to create graphql api. Create springboot application project for GraphQL API. Step by step guide to create springboot GraphQL API for RestAPI. ?
GraphQL is a query language to retrieve data from a server. It is an alternative to REST, SOAP or gRPC. GraphQL is that it is statically typed i.e. the server knows exactly the shape of every object you can query and any client can actually "introspect" the server and ask for the "schema". GraphQL allows the client to specify exactly what data it desires, including navigating child resources in a single request and allows for multiple queries in a single request. It uses named queries and mutations.
## GraphQL Schema **
The GraphQL server exposes a schema describing the API. This schema consists of type definitions. Each type has one or more fields, each taking zero or more arguments and returning a specific type. GraphQL Schema describes what queries are possible and what fields you can get back.? The graph is derived from the way these fields are nested with each other.
GraphQL Java
The GraphQL Java Engine is only concerned with executing queries. It doesn't deal with any HTTP or JSON related topics. For these aspects, we will use Spring for GraphQL which takes care of exposing our API via Spring Boot over HTTP.
The main steps of creating a GraphQL Java server are:
1. Defining a GraphQL Schema.
2. Deciding on how the actual data for a query is fetched.
Springboot GraphQL Starter
The Spring Boot GraphQL Starter offers a fantastic way to get a GraphQL server running in a very short time. Using autoconfiguration and an annotation-based programming approach, we need only write the code necessary for our service. The GraphQL Boot starter works by processing GraphQL Schema files to build the correct structure and then wires special beans to this structure. The Spring Boot GraphQL starter automatically finds these schema files.
We need to annotate the handler methods with @QueryMapping #SchemaMapping annotation and place these inside standard @Controller components in our application. very complex type in the GraphQL server is represented by a Java bean. Fields inside the Java bean will directly map onto fields in the GraphQL response based on the name of the field.
GraphiQL Tool
GraphQL also has a companion tool called GraphiQL. This UI tool can communicate with any GraphQL Server and helps to consume and develop against a GraphQL API. This provides a very useful in-browser tool to write and test queries, particularly during development and testing.
Topics Covered
1.????? Welcome to Spring boot GraphQL API Project
2.????? Agenda of this Tutorial
3.????? Explaining GraphQL Architecture
4.????? Spring boot GraphQL project setup.
5.????? Project Import in Intellij IDE
6.????? Understand Maven Pom xml dependencies
7.????? Explained GrpahQL Schema file
8.????? Coding Domain Objects & Controllers
9.????? Understanding application configuration
10.? Running Spring boot GraphQL application
11.? Preparing GraphQL query as per Schema
12.? Testing GraphQL Query in GraphiQL Tool
13.? GIT project repository for GraphQL Project
14.? Summary
Chapter Timestamps
0:00 Welcome to Spring boot GraphQL API Project
0:56 Agenda of this Tutorial
2:44 Explaining GraphQL Architecture Diagram
5:50 Spring boot GraphQL project setup.
7:22 Project Import in Intellij IDE
8:04 Understand Maven Pom xml dependencies
9:14 Explained GrpahQL Schema file
11:25 Coding Domain Objects
16:07 Coding Spring boot Controllers for GraphQL API
18:56 Understanding application configuration
20:28 Running Spring boot GraphQL application
21:00 Open GraphiQL UI tool? for Testing API
21:40 Preparing GraphQL query as per Schema
22:51 Testing GraphQL Query in GraphiQL UI Tool
26:06 GIT project repository for GraphQL Project
26:57 Summary of Springboot GraphQL API project
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