There are thousands of different properties and settings you can edit to configure and customize your Spring Boot environment.
And those settings can be used to configure everything from external resources to the Spring framework to how your actual development environment behaves.
This video steps you through all the Spring Boot configuration properties I edit and update when I configure my personal Spring development environment, whether it's Eclipse, VSCode or IntelliJ.
Want to be a 10x Spring Boot developer? These are the Spring config properties you've got to set:
- server.port – Defines the port where the application runs. Default is 8080.
- – Sets the name of the Spring Boot application.
- server.servlet.context-path – Defines the base URL path of the application.
- spring.datasource.url – Configures the JDBC URL for the datasource connection.
- spring.datasource.username – Specifies the username for the datasource.
- spring.datasource.password – Specifies the password for the datasource.
- spring.datasource.driver-class-name – Sets the driver class name for the datasource.
- spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto – Controls Hibernate’s database schema generation (e.g., update, create, validate).
- – Enables showing of SQL queries in the log.
- logging.level.root – Sets the logging level (e.g., DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) for the root logger.
- – Specifies the log file name.
- – Defines the global date format for JSON serialization.
- spring.jackson.serialization.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS – Configures whether to serialize dates as timestamps.
- spring.thymeleaf.cache – Enables or disables template caching for Thymeleaf.
- – Specifies the SMTP server to use for sending emails.
- spring.mail.port – Sets the SMTP server port.
- spring.mail.username – Defines the username for email authentication.
- spring.mail.password – Defines the password for email authentication.
- – Activates a specific profile (e.g., dev, prod).
- management.endpoints.web.exposure.include – Configures which Actuator endpoints are exposed (e.g., health, metrics, info).
Configure these Spring Boot Configuration Properties correctly and you're well on your way to becoming a 10x Spring developer.
Data bricks analysis
5 个月Makes SEO spring boot properties.