I can see no such grass as there is a fresh few inches of snow on the ground. I suppose we needed a reminder that not everything is as it seems and that nature does not follow a human agenda. Received Gaia, thanks.
How are we feeling this week? A reminder of all that we have occurring these weeks - eclipse season (lunar and solar), Venus is in retrograde asking us to reflect and review our relationships (any type), Mercury is in retrograde (any type of communication - verbal, technological, written, etc. can all be disrupted intentionally to get our attention for reflection or review), and a cosmic upgrade is on its way next week that will allow us to deepen our connection with the quantum.
I experienced my integration over the past few weeks, as healers feel it first so that we can move through it to guide others. Imagine having all of the events unfolding within the cosmos pairing with the utter destruction happening in our physical day to day.
Y'all...it's a lot...
How are you taking care of yourself, both with the physical realities, but also the unseen forces that are swirling within our energy fields?
Grounding, earthing, or touching grass has been a little overplayed in the mainstream, but do you genuinely understand what it is and why it's important?
We learned long ago that the Earth has a magnetic field, and has poles at either end that connect this field. So, as with the atoms that are managed by this field, we are able to connect as well.
When you are able to "ground" it simply means to send your energy down into the earth to balance your human experience or to recharge. How do you send your energy down into the earth? Simply by touching your bare skin to the soil or grass. The same magnetic charge that connects to the moon to move the oceans is what we are plugging into. It's that simple - and when there is snow on the ground, I'm not going outside to ground.
I'm now able to ground without physically needing to touch the Earth but it's faster and more potent when I do.
My point of all of this is, as you begin to feel into the cosmic events asking us to upgrade our consciousness, it can feel like you're going crazy. Different abilities are coming online and you're not exactly sure if they're real because we've never been taught to receive them. The key for when these begin to come in is to be able to ground into the Earth and remind your higher self that you're living a human experience.
We are soul spirits having a human experience, not the other way around. And, it can be extremely easy to lean on one more heavily than the other based on where our comfort resides.
The ask is to not force anything, whether in the human or beyond, simply allow yourself to receive and observe what may be coming in. If you can allow more than one thing to be true at once, you can begin to flow with the remembrance of your soul spirit.
It's all energy. Energy is everything, everything is energy.
Amy Pons, Founder of Unlock the Magic and Host of Women Making Moves