Caterina Avanzi Style Coach??
"Be Stylish - Be You" I am a Style Coach? / Personal Stylist and I help female entrepreneurs to find their style and empower them to establish their personal brand through their image.
Spring is in the air…not quite you will say!
I agree, however the days are definitely longer, January is now out of the way and we can just look forward to spring, right???
It doesn’t mean that we have to park our lives until then though. This is a good time to prepare for it in many ways and I’ll talk about one specifically.
You might still feel like snuggling up under a blanket with a hot cuppa, but then suddenly it will be time to go out, sit outside, you know those sudden days when it feels like summer? Ok here in the Northwest we don’t get many of those but they do happen and we are never ready for them.
So, let’s spend this time to really give your wardrobe a good remake.
Why? Simply because when the time comes you will be READY! Ready to go out in the right clothes, ready to shop if needed, ready to enjoy the nice season and not to worry about what you are wearing.
I know this is a subject I talk about quite often BUT it's never enough! ??????
So here some tips to tackle your wardrobe if it needs doing so:
This week, spend some time with your wardrobe and give it some love by;
?? Removing any clothes that are not in season
?? Try those clothes that you have not worn for at least 6 months (do they fit, do you still feel the love for them, are they right for your lifestyle?), if there are a lot of nos, time to dispose of them.
?? Are there any clothes that needs washing, dry cleaning, ironing? Yes? Take them out and make sure you do what is needed.
?? Now that you know what you have, put things back in a way that it makes it easy for you to get dressed in the morning.
Here a couple of ways:
? Reorder by type of clothes (I.e., dresses, skirts, trousers, shirts/blouses, long cardigans. Then within this arrangement go by colour too, this gives you a better view of your wardrobe.
Fold what you can, i.e., jumpers, t-shirts, trousers if you do not have space to hang them but make sure that when you put them away, they are visible because the things that get put at the back of the wardrobe, get forgotten.
? Some also like to rearrange clothes in no order but then once they have used the clothes, they put them at the far end of the wardrobe, so they know they have used those clothes and they will use something else next and so on.
What is it that stops you from really looking into your wardrobe and making it work for you?
I’ll tell you a little secret. I haven’t done my wardrobe detox for a few months, I was supposed to but I got lazy ??. BUT, I have to admit that I truly know what’s in there, I just need to put some order in it.
You know you could sell your unused clothes too? I am writing a little blog about selling clothes so if you are not sure I’ll give you some tips on that.
You can obviously give your unused clothes to friends and family or to charity.
So what are you waiting for? Put some time aside and make an appointment with your wardrobe ??.