Spring 2022 Advisory Meeting
Dave Holbrook
Exploring the Future of Drone Technology and Bringing JOY to Kids Young and Old
Advisory Group Meeting Announcement
Spring of 2022?is upon us, and an?Advisory Group Meeting?is scheduled for?Monday, May 2nd?from 11:30am to 1:00pm at our center to discuss student achievements along with our programs content and progress. Lunch will be provided by Heavenly Hams. Click the link?here?to choose your lunch combo box for the meeting. Click?here?to add this event to your calendar.
It is a requirement of the State of Arkansas Department of Education that all instructors at NEACTC conduct one advisory meeting each school semester. Your participation in our programs and our relationship with you helps us guide our outstanding students into new potential employees at your companies. Your input into our curriculum and training is extremely important to our programs of study.