Spreading Word on How to Market Website Development
Off the many companies we have seen and read about, we have noticed that many of them are making quite a few but simple mistakes when it comes to marketing their firm. Let’s start with a few web development companies that we have been following up on recently. There might be a few things that firms might want to look into when they do their marketing. A few of them are mentioned below.
· Provide Reassurance:
Let’s start with the few words that every customer wants to hear when they look for a service provider. As any customer including yourself, we would want to hire a provider that has experience in what the customer is looking for. So the right answer to a customer who approaches you with a request for would be, “Yes, we have worked on those lines before, or sure, we can definitely do it for you” The customer is looking to you for signs of confidence, and if he doesn’t see signs of reassurance he’s going to back out.
· Technical Skill Sets:
Though most of your customers are interested in getting their web page up and running. They aren’t always aware of what you are talking about when they see your page of skill sets. Though that may seem like a good way to highlight your company, it also might be a little confusing to him.
In regards to system integrators who is well aware of what you are actually capable of when they see your sheet of skill sets; they might tend to make a whole deal of comparison between what you have put forth and what your competitor has. So take a closer look at it before you send it out and make the necessary changes if required.
· Recycle Your Portfolio:
Though they say that a picture speaks a thousand words, it might backfire in this case. When you share your portfolio, are you sure that your client is going to click through all your links and take a look at what you have designed? When you share a portfolio which has more than 10 links in it, you can bet that the viewer would not have opened more than 4 of them. In this case, you’ve got to make sure you put your best foot forward and share your best to make the finest impression.
· Completed Projects Speak:
This is the best way to convince a customer that you are the right man for the job. Instead of sharing screenshots on websites that you have completed, try creating a case history that explains how you created a successful website for a client.
Start with day 1 when he explained his requirement and how you proposed that you could make it happen. Talk about the ideas you shared and decisions made and why you made them. Share views on how the customer looks at the completed project and how happy he is that it brings him success.
This will definitely beat a page of skill sets that do not share any idea on how you carry out project management. They are looked at as a bunch of technical terms that have lesser meaning.
· Homepage:
What does your homepage say about you and your firm? Most ‘About Us’ pages deviate so much from the real picture and focus on other nonsensical aspects that do not relate to their firm. An ‘about us’ page should clearly explain what kind of firm you run and why? A clear idea of a person’s vision of the industry creates credibility for the company.
Instead, we found these on a firm’s page which made us wonder what would happen if we hired them.
“When Albert (name changed) isn’t in the office, he is on the mountain either skiing or hiking the miles of forest trails in our region and around the world. He hopes one day to tackle Everest. It was on a skiing trip to our area that led Albert to make (our town) his permanent base camp. Albert and his wife have four kids – Lorry, Charlie, Pam, and Godwin.”
Well here’s how it should really go,
“Albert is one of our web designers. He is an expert mountaineer and has traveled extensively. Albert started his career as a graphic designer for a marketing and advertising firm in New York City. With a degree in web technology and the eye of a talented artist, Albert creates truly unique designs that match our clients and the personality of their businesses. He has created unique brands for a number of travel-related companies and helped a few of our clients with international expansions. Our clients love his use of color and the custom graphics he adds to each of his designs.”
Putting all these together with a well-planned marketing strategy you can convince your customers to hire you rather than anyone else. So make the necessary changes and head back to work and stop wondering why your marketing technique is not working out.
Have a Good Day!