Spreading the Love
Happy February! As every store and website projects out gifts and chocolates for Valentine’s Day, I choose the sentiment of love. With so much to be grateful for, we at PCG continue to spread love in every interface. Client communication on the ever-changing landscape of hiring, navigating candidates through successful interview processes, and celebrating each placement with a donation to our charity arm, Pyramid Possibilities.
Did you know that for every permanent placement we make at PCG a donation is made to a charity? This month, we have chosen to highlight the conscious kid, where donations offer children’s books to classrooms across the country that highlight activism, celebrating who you are, and providing insight and stories to youth that disrupt racism.
Want to learn more about the organizations we have supported? Click here for more information: https://www.pyramidcg.com/pyramid-possibilities
The gift of giving back is a valentine from us to each partnership we have. It is our way of changing lives- both in employment opportunities and providing opportunities to others. We think it is a match made in heaven. Right, cupid?
With love,
Allyson Goodman