Spread the News!!!
Hello Everyone,
We just wrapped up our end-of-year meeting here at Esri. One thing that stuck with me after the meeting, is what our head of State and Local Government said. He gave us an acronym that I feel after my time in Government not only applies to us here at Esri but also to all of you out on the front lines in Government. "IUTU" We are a team...
The GIS person in many organizations has become just whom you go to when you want a printed map. It's time to change that stigma. Unless we as GIS professionals speak up and inform our governments that GIS is no longer just maps, they may never know the true power of GIS in Government.
You as a GIS Professional have a special skill... You can take a statement like...
"I think the worst roads in the city are in this subdivision. I assume we should spend our money fixing them first."
And change it into...
"According to our GIS data, we are spending the most money repairing these roads in these areas. The fiscally responsible thing to do is to, focus our attention on fixing them first."
As GIS professionals it is up to us to show the true power to the people that make the decisions. We are so much more than just maps. We provide spatial insight and facts so that intelligent decisions can be made. We can make a difference, and an impact far greater than we know.
So much in government is based on assumptions and feelings. GIS can change those assumptions into facts and statistical information.
You hold the power... Spread the news!!! Change the narrative...
Start today... Set up a meeting to discuss the true potential of GIS with your city administrators. Explain to them how the insight and information you can bring to the table can help them make more informed decisions. If you are not sure how to start... Reach out to your Esri team. We can help you. We are here to empower you to make this change. To be able to show your community that GIS is more than just maps. GIS is spatial intelligence, and so much more... Let's show them how valuable spatial intelligence is, and how truly valuable you as a GIS professional are to your organization, and community...
Let us know how we can help... "It's Up To US"...?
Until next time...