Spread the Light
Your kindness shines brighter. Spread the light.
Sometimes it’s a warm meal, delivering a food box to a doorstep, a doctor healing a patient’s pain, the comfort of a warm bed, or the relief a family feels when their rent is paid.
These moments of kindness unite us, and they are there for the making—by you. Imagine in the coming weeks, a community empowered by kindness—one where we call an elderly neighbor, leave a carton of eggs for the next shopper to come, share a smile as we pass each other at a distance, or offer a bit of our surplus to someone living with less.
For many people, the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge and disrupter of daily life, but for those people who lack resources and options, it wreaks havoc on the little bit of margin they may have. Will you help be the light for a person in need? Let’s be ALL IN on kindness and ALL IN to support each other. I had the opportunity to do this last week, all the neighborhood groups made a list of people that need certain items from toilet paper to eggs, milk, and bread. This was in a small town called Missoula, Montana. Some families lived so far away up high in the mountains I wondered how they got into town? And others actually were from the homeless shelter helping me deliver to other people in need. Priceless. In San Francisco when I worked with the homeless when then Mayor-Newsom he cared and we actually wrote a policy. Project Homeless Connect- we have changed this program here in Montana to say "Community Connect " because that is what has happened, community in need. I know some of you already do this- you are awesome. Try by example to show again, that the ripple effect will work. #snappingback #makekindnessviral #togetherwecan