Whether you submitted your partners spousal application or someone helped you, a refusal is a resfusal. You need to file an appeal to the IAD. You can wait to add any Counsel until you can find out their experience. Never hire someone just because they are a Lawyer. There are plenty Regulated Consultants who have far more experience than most Lawyers.
Your in a genuine and continuing marriage but the visa post officer did not agree. The denial letter you received does not tell you why your spouse was refused. You can tell your friends or spouse that you submitted everything but obviously you didn't!
- Did you include a photo of the person performing the marriage?
- If neither of you have attended a Church or Mosk in years why did you declare that you are a Christian or a Muslim, when you had a civil marriage ceremony? never force your sponsor to convert to Islam just because her Mother InLa
- Was any photographs of each other parents standing with the applcant or sponser included in your application?
- If the applicant or sponser has a pet (Dog or Cat) was a photo of them included? Pet owners consider their Pet to be a part of their family. The Visa Post officer may have pet they consider family.
- Forget submitting a photo of the two of you taken by a waiter while dinning out? Did you submit selfies of the two of you with Duck Lips, that does not show a bond between the two of you. Far better to submit a photo of both of you partaking in an activity were it shows a bond between the two of you especially were you're laughing or smiling.
- Never show a photo of your hands with your rings. It proves no bond at all.
- Hire your experinced Counsel and wait until you receive the record (Visa Post Officers reasons for refusal) there may be some marks in the record put there so the Ministers Counsel can focus on that area of refusal.
- Never represent yourself.
- The Immigration Appeal Division IAD will accept new photos or reasons that prove your in a genuine relationship.
- Which ever Counsel you're considering hiring ask them to provide Spousal Appeal decisions that show they have experience winning spousal appeals.
Why pay a Lawyer $15,000.00 to attempt to win your spousal appeal when an experienced Consultant charges 1/3 the fee. Especially before you receive IRCC evidence known as the record.
I have at least a hundred succesful appeal decisions that prove I have won clients appeals. since the IAD is open to the public their is no excuse to not show decisions.