Spotlight Series: Celebrating the Super Moms of Sono Bello.

Spotlight Series: Celebrating the Super Moms of Sono Bello.

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Today's spotlight features Jessica Blayden, supermom of four amazing kiddos and Senior Aesthetic Sales Consultant in Sandy, Utah. She has been with Sono Bello for eight years and proves that transparency and hard-work ethic pays off.

Jessica and her 4 children pose for a family photo in beautiful Utah.

What do you love most about being a Mom?

IT IS the most rewarding JOB EVER!!! I love my kids so much. Being with them and having fun, seeing them grow into amazing humans. SAYING “I did that” I raised those kids!! Developing into who they are is AWESOME!!!

What words of encouragement do you have for other working Moms?

STAY THE COURSE, be consistent for your kids. ALWAYS be there for them even during work, answer their calls etc.

What are you most proud of about being a working Mom? ?

THE INCREDIBLE experience raising them. I am lucky to be my kids mom. My kids are seriously the COOLEST!

How do you communicate your availability and boundaries to your team??

I seriously just tell them WAY in advance so everyone is not caught off guard. There have been a few times I have had to leave right away with my kids having broken bones etc, and my boss understands. They are also very family oriented and have so much compassion. BUT AGAIN I do not take advantage OF THIS SITUATION. I show up for my job and always have shown up. And I make it up if I do have to leave unexpectantly.

What changes in the industry do you hope to see to support working parents? Being UNDERSTANDING. The end!

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a working Mom? Being there for my kids when they call crying. I have to get Grandma and Grandpa involved sometimes. Its takes a lot to switch hates from Business Jessica to Mom Jessica. Sometimes I am so not tolerant and as compassionate with my kids. However I think?it teaches them tenacity and sometimes they have to work through problems on their own and it actually builds confidence because they worked through it on their own.

What solutions or practices have you found most effective in overcoming these challenges? ?

Just know that you are doing your best and don’t beat yourself up. Just keep being positive and your kids accept it as you do when you are HAPPY.

Can you share your journey of career progression as a working mom within the company?

My career has become part of my life. It has transformed me into the WOMAN I am today. I LOVE My job so much. It has brought me the most peace of mind financially so I can provide a VERY good living for my children.? I want to move all the way up. Logistically I can’t right now but I will when my babies are grown.

What advice do you wish you had received as a new mom returning to the workforce after leave to help you integrate more smoothly and inclusively?

I get it, it's hard. Jump in and just do it! Your babies will love you more for being stable and doing something for yourself and for them. Teaching them how to work is SOOOO important. I promise they will respect you and what is weird I get more done being a working mom because I HAVE to, so it forces me to be so organized and stay on top of my everything.

What kind of support do you find most helpful from the workplace and/or your manager?

BEING MY BIGGEST CHEERLEADER. I am a words of affirmation girlie girl. Believing in me and knowing that when I feel I am doing my worst, they trust and believe in me that I am doing my best. I am very hard on myself and this is so awesome and such a compliment to know that my bosses believe in me and I have gained their confidence that THEY know I a rallying the best I can.

What are ways you invest in your health and wellbeing?

Snow skiing in the mountains is my therapy baby, in the summer taking a fun ride with my side-by-side and feeling the wind on my face with some good candy and a diet coke. It renews me. It’s the simple things baby. Taking a small vacation with my kids, even a staycation renews me. I try to work out and eat healthy. ?My hair, I have thyroid problems and thin hair so I get extensions and its my favorite day.. Hair day is the best!

Can you share an example of how you manage work responsibilities with unexpected family needs??

Well holy ----, it’s A LOT. I have 4 kids and my life is NUTS. Even crazier when I leave here. THE FLEXIBILITY I get from work is HUGE, I have earned this and family comes first even to my bosses, they know if my kids need ANYTHING I will put them first. However They know how loyal I am to work. In 8 years I have not called in 1 sick day. NOT ONCE and because I fulfil my KPI’s they allow me a reward in return and that is flexibility when my kids have a school play or if they have a game or doctors appts. That is how I manage. I try to make everything they have going on within reason so it doesn’t jeopardize the integrity of MY business.

How do you promote transparency and challenge societal norms to support working parents (and yourself) in openly communicating about expected and?unexpected family event?

I am just straight up with my boss, I am fully transparent. I just tell them what I have going on, I never expect it and I ask with respect if I can go to my child's events etc. BTW its 2024, MOST parents work these days. I am a single mom, so I don’t have the option. I work so hard for my kids. They are my reason. You have to have a reason to kick some ass. They are MY PURPOSE.


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