Spotlight on a new article:

Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in New Product Development: Building AI Into Your Stage-Gate? New-Product

Spotlight on a new article: Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in New Product Development: Building AI Into Your Stage-Gate? New-Product

Dr. Robert G. Cooper

May 2024

AI is transforming every aspect of business. Early adopter firms have implemented AI for various reasons, but the?number one benefit realized?is increased product innovation.

Navigating the more than 40 applications of AI in new-product development (NPD) can be daunting.


This article delves into five key areas in NPD where AI holds immense potential, with detailed descriptions, use cases, and results.


Link to my website and the full article:

Unleashing_he_Power_of_AI_in_NPD-Building_AI_into_Stage-Gate_-_PDI_2024.pdf (


This article is the first of a 2-part article series. Article #2 will be Spotlighted next week (May 21). More articles on these topics of AI, Stage-Gate, and NPD are at my website (click “Download Articles”; free and anonymous) at


To get you and your colleagues up to speed on the topic of “AI for NPD”, can we suggest a custom-tailored seminar or webinar in your business. For ideas on topics for you, see brochure for the upcoming in-person seminar in Europe at

See also website at Penn State's ISBM:

Or contact me by email at:

Want to learn more about the Stage-Gate? New Product Process? Check out the article. Link:?The 5th?Generation State-Gate Idea-to-Launch Process.


Michelle Jones

Stage-Gate Expert + Consultant + Innovation Governance Architect

4 个月

Consider a Stage-Gate Refresh leveraging artificial intelligence as it is boosting organization’s innovation performance - read about it in Dr. Robert Cooper’s latest article. Thx Bob!



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