Spotlight: The Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Spotlight: The Illinois Chamber of Commerce

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce (ICC)is a private nonprofit organization that works hard to protect and promote Illinois’ business climate. Created in 1919 by 24 Illinois business leaders, the ICC has championed business owners and their rights for decades.

Unlike local chambers of commerce, the ICC works on impacting change and representing businesses at the state, and not local, level. The ICC has built extensive partnerships with Illinois state senators and representatives, as well as the Illinois Governor’s Office in order to advance pro-business agendas. The ICC’s initiatives are supported by contributions from an assortment of Illinois businesses, dues paid by members, and revenue received by the ICC from Human Resource compliance materials and educational seminars.

ICC Makeup and Membership

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce has a diverse group of members who represent all sizes and types of organizations and businesses operating within Illinois. The ICC’s members are involved in a wide assortment of business industries, including real estate, professional services, gambling, construction, utilities, banking, finance, manufacturing, and mining. Additional members include local chambers of commerce, membership organizations, and trade groups. Small and medium sized businesses make up a majority of the ICC’s membership. However, large companies like Deere, State Farm, Boeing, and Caterpillar, which are headquartered in Illinois, are also ICC members.

ICC membership allows small business owners to become part of Illinois’ largest and most powerful business advocacy organization. Annual membership dues are based on the number of employees that a business or organization has. Joining the Illinois Chamber of Commerce comes with a full range of benefits, including:

  • Resources: The ICC produces publications that provide important news and information about Illinois business laws and climate. Information about Illinois business is also accessible for members through the meetings, seminars, employer-focused publications, employer hotlines, and webinars that the ICC makes available to its members. Furthermore, members can utilize and request ICC opinions, experiences, guidance and perspectives regarding specific business concerns, and more general issues regarding their community and business operations.

  • Advocacy: The ICC plays a major role in performing advocacy services on behalf of its members. The ICC works hard to ensure that employers have a real voice in Springfield and to also protect its members from attack and/or political criticism. Furthermore, member input and discussion is often used to influence and educate professional lobbyists who write and get laws passed; and

  • Influence: The ICC’s long history in Illinois has made it one of the most respected business advocacy and commerce chambers in the state. Membership allows small business owners to have a real voice in the recommendation and development of specific business friendly laws and policies.

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce is a business advocacy organization that allows small business owners to have a real voice in the state decisions that can influence their operations. If you need legal guidance on any small business-related legal issue, contact the Illinois small business law attorneys at the Gierach Law Firm as soon as possible.


