Spotlight 6
Williamina Fleming?
Born Dundee, (1857-1911)
Williamina Fleming was born in Dundee in the mid-1800s to a family involved in the artistic trade. Her father, a carver and gilder with premises in the Nethergate, instilled in her a strong work ethic and determination. However, her formal education came to an end at the age of 14 when she left school to become a pupil-teacher.
Williamina's life took a challenging turn when she got married and emigrated to the United States in 1878 to seek new opportunities like many of the time. However, sadly, her husband abandoned her while she was pregnant, leaving her to support herself and her child. Determined to make ends meet, she found employment as a maid in the home of Edward Pickering, the Director of the Harvard College Observatory.
In 1881, Williamina's fortunes changed when Pickering recognized her intellect and potential. He employed her as a full-time copyist and 'computer' at the Observatory. During this time, Pickering had initiated an extensive program of celestial photography, and Williamina's role involved examining spectra, which is the breakdown of light from stars on photographic plates.
Williamina's meticulous work involved analysing the spectra captured on photographic plates using Pickering's innovative technique. By placing a prism in front of the telescope lens, the spectral image of each star was obtained. Unlike today's coloured spectra, the images on the plates appeared as light or dark bands. Each star had its own unique spectrum, and Williamina's task was to inspect these spectra and note any peculiarities.
This work also allowed her to measure spectra from even the faintest and most distant stars. Armed with only a magnifying glass, she meticulously examined the fragile photographic plates, making detailed observations. She recorded her findings in tabular form, describing variable stars based on the brightness and intensity of different areas within their spectra. Over the course of her career, she handled over 200,000 of these delicate plates, each holding a piece of astronomical history. Her most famous discovery was the Horsehead Nebula in the constellation of Orion which she discovered in 1888 on a photographic plate.
Her dedication and cutting edge- research propelled her to become the leading female astronomer of her time. In 1906, she was honoured as an honorary member of the Royal Astronomical Society of London, acknowledging her significant contributions. Additionally, the Astronomical Society of Mexico bestowed upon her a prestigious medal in recognition of her outstanding achievements.
Today, Williamina's legacy lives on. In her hometown of Dundee, Scotland, a memorial plaque commemorates her remarkable achievements and the enduring mark she left on the field of astronomy. Her story serves as a testament to the power of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.