Spotlight #3: VS One World

Spotlight #3: VS One World

Cradle of Open Source technology

Pointing at Singapore as a hub for advanced technology is kicking in an open door...

Naming Sri Lanka a center of education for top engineering and software development experts, is not blowing anyone away either...

One of the most prominent global providers of API Management and (Customer)Identity Access Management solutions, finds its origins in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

In other words...Sri Lanka breaths technology!

VS One world is one of Sri Lanka's best kept secrets, at least in Europe. Being ISO 9001 certified, although relatively small, they are highly specialised in digitalisation and integration projects, very much used to working in global environments with international teams.

VS One World combines the experience and expertise, typically found in big tech firms, with the agility and flexibility typical for smaller start- and scale-ups. Customisation sits in their DNA. This makes them an excellent extension of the customer's in-house technical teams, both on the engineering and architecture side as well as on the execution side of things.

VS One World pays a lot of attention to international security and resilience standards such as European DORA and NIS2 without losing the focus on the best possible user experience.

The two worlds that I would use to describe VS One World are "COMMITMENT" and "SOLUTION". VS One World are absolutely dedicated to providing the best, most reliable and user firendly solution to a business challenge, applying the most innovative but proven technologies.

Quote of the week:

"Confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape..." (Andy Andrews)

Funny quote of the week:

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day!" (Whinnie the Pooh)



