Spotify For Artists New Releases Guide
In today's music landscape, it's easy to feel like you are getting lost in the shuffle, which is why Spotify has unveiled a guide for new releases to help you push through the noise.
The New Releases guide will walk you through Spotify For Artists most powerful tools and give you a definitive checklist to unleash your release's full potential.
One of the tools this guide discusses is the hype-building Countdown Pages, which will be available to all eligible artists as of July 24th.
Within the guide is also a case study video of the 7-step strategy used for 'Bewitched', the latest album from Grammy-winning composer, singer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Laufey.
By using tools like Countdown Pages, Clips, Marquee, and merch, Laufey's team teed up the release for success and caught the attention of a global audience.