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Hi, I am Spot, now let me tell you about me and this is my story.!
Initially my life was pretty good I liked to sleep a lot and could come and go as I pleased. The children got on my nerves occasionally when they pulled my tail but mainly, we played happily, and I liked to tap the little toy cars back to them across the floor. I used to sleep on the boy’s bed and enjoyed that and had little treats now and then.
I always spent most of my time in the garden, but this day was different. I noticed a big truck had pulled up outside and all the things in the house had been moved into the truck, I walked into the home and there was nothing, not even anywhere for me to sleep or sit.
The children were put in the back of the car and the man of the house who did not like me shooed me out and locked all the doors. I sat in the sun and watched them drive off.
I looked around no water, no food nothing, I suddenly realised I was homeless, and I will not get looked after here. As I wandered down some streets the bright lights of night glowed and I knew I had to stay away from them and the busy road as I have seen cats hit and die quickly and, in some cases, run over several times.
I came down a street and I noticed food had been put out for cats, so I managed to get something to eat and drink. There was some waste land with tin for cover, although I fought for my space with the others living rough.
I often felt a scratch and bite when I was not quick enough, and sometimes there was no food around or had gone bad and the blow flies had settled in which made it uneatable even when the hunger pains got too much.
At night, the cars would pull up in the street and I would climb underneath the front where it was warm.
Sometimes I would feel this warm substance on my skin, and when it dried it just coated my fur in thick black glue. I could not lick it off it tasted awful and burnt my tongue.
I found puddles and ponds where I could and drank out of them and this kept me going. One day I came across this lovely garden where a female cat lived, she was so dainty and pretty and I could see she was well looked after. This reminded me of my home when I was a kitten and growing up.
As soon as I was old enough, I remember vaguely going to this place where they put you to sleep and when you wake up you cannot find your balls as they had shrunk considerably in size. I did not have the urge to have sex with the female cats like most of the other strays, and I noticed when they pee it smells strong and awful. Like
me they have walked for miles to get food and water.
Recently I have not fathered any kittens and do not have that desire although walking through to this garden where a dainty black and white female cat lived being so pretty and well looked after and I wished I had an owner like this.
I often walked through the gates and into the garden sitting there when the lady noticed me, she kept putting food out and calling for me to come over, but I am so nervous of humans and do not trust her.
After several weeks, I got close to her and she picked me up and took me inside, my ear was throbbing from a cat scrap, the cat had torn my ear, I was taken into a room which had a toilet and bath and sink.
My ear was bathed with this soothing stuff and felt better already, then my ears were cleaned.
The buzzing and heaviness had now gone. I was brushed down with some powder and the itching started to go, then I could feel my fur being cut away and the sticky stuff taken off.
“That will do you for now, let’s get you some food.”
Great, I ate then went out into the garden, and came back in, she did not mind being here.
I settled in and very soon I experienced what it is like to be washed, dried by a towel, and brushed the fleas had gone. I meowed and hated the water but somehow this was soothing on my skin, so I did not struggle. From being under the cars the oil was coated to my fur and onto my skin, this had to be washed and cut out my tail had hardly any fur, the heaviness had gone and before long my fur grew back.
I knew I had found home, there were always people here and plenty of food and I loved the barbeques as I always got some meat. I would jump on my lady’s lap and love up to her, she always hugged me and before long I put on weight and grew into a bigger cat.
I would hear them say.
“This would make a good turkey dinner for the street.”
My lady would just laugh, she had a friend stop with her often and I loved being with him. When he did the painting of the shed and had a cigarette, I would follow him and be with him, he gave me heaps of attention while I wrapped myself around his legs and enjoyed the moments.
I could smell oil in the pan and as I watched through the kitchen window, I could see some tasty steak which looked so juicy. I sprung up through the window, grabbed the meat in my mouth, turned quickly and was out the window. I got down the bottom of the garden and started eating it.
He ran down the back, throwing his arms in the air.
“Damn it, you might as well have it, I was looking forward to that.”
I munched into it and before long I had my fill, boy that was good.
I love living here, my lady works long hours and we do not see much of her most days, so Angel and I just sit together and purr to each other. We love Christmas time, we get all our favourite treats, I love king prawns they are so juicy, and crab meat, and special drink.
We play with the paper and our games that are bought for us.
I was sitting in the conservatory on my favourite chair. Angel was a cat that liked everything to be the way she wanted it, when she sat on someone’s lap, they had to sit the way she felt comfortable, if not she would meow and tell them off, my lady has been working at home and we both love it, since she does not go away and stay away for hours.
This day the man friend was in the kitchen and Angel was outside and wouldn’t let Angel in when she wanted, some time had passed, and the window was opened, Angel meowed and meowed everywhere he went Angel would not stop Meowing.
He eventually threw his arms in the air. “Boy, I have never been told off for so long, Angel over half an hour has gone past, will you stop meowing.”
“Come on then.”
I jumped down and joined him in the garden while he had his smoke and glass of wine.
I often came back with scratches and bites to hear my lady say, “Spot I can only protect you some of the time, not all the time.”
I noticed this stray hanging around the house down the street, which looked like my sister, and I was sure I knew this cat, she is pure white with a bit of black, I rubbed up against her and encouraged her to follow me.
Snowy stood at the door with me and looked up at my lady,
“Come on in then.”
We are now a three-cat family and sometimes Snowy picks on Angel since she wants to be boss, I protect her and stay with her.
The nights are getting long and cold and lately there is fire in the sky and bangs, I feel scared and hide under the car, I can hear my lady calling me, I am too afraid to move, what happens if they get me.
Suddenly I feel myself being dragged out from under the car and in my lady’s arms, I am safe and warm and brought inside, where I am fed and watered and venture into the lounge to join Angel on top of the sofa.
We are watching TV with our lady who gives us a hug before going to make a cup of tea I go out into the kitchen, I have noticed this packet on the table is it open, yes, I reach my paw in and pull out the first one, a pork scratching, it is so crunchy and tasty I have almost finished the packet when the man walks in.
“Look at Spot, he has almost finished my pork scratchings, I never got a bite.”
I jump down, now the packet is empty, licking my lips in content, however the cheaper version tastes no good, so my humans always get me the excellent quality ones.
?My lady goes away for a few days, and we sit and wait for her to return, we hear the car pull up and notice it is her, Angel jumps through the window, and I curl around her legs.
“I am so happy to see you guys.”
At night Angel curls under the covers, Snowy sleeps on her legs and I wrap my paws around her and sleep with my head on hers, I love being close to her and feel her love for me.
All of us drop off to sleep purring and in the morning, we get fed first, then pinch what we can from our lady.
The fluffy ginger cat has been hanging around, and the winter is cold, it has been so cold that my paws hurt when I am outside, I do not know where the ginger cat is going, he is so angry and attacks everyone and every animal.
My lady puts food out for him, so he comes over regularly. Weeks and months go past, and he finally lets her get close to him.
We noticed he has gone, and she returns with him, he has smaller balls and his temper and aggression have gone.
She cleans him up and he also purrs and loves cuddles and fuss, he is such a different cat, all the neighbours do not believe the difference.
We have the odd disagreement although we get on most of the time and our lady does not let us get into scraps, she tells us off and sprays the offender.
All of us get brushed and with Gingers long fur he needs more brushing than most.
Six months have passed and suddenly, I noticed Ginger was not well, my lady took him away and we did not see him again.
I still fought with the other cats and came home with the odd scar from my battles, I got bitten in the head and I screamed with the pain, but my lady bathed it for me when I got home, and it soon healed. Very soon the man I loved walking around the garden with came no more.
My lady disappeared for the day and came back with this man and mother cat and kittens, as these kittens grew, they played and got into heaps of mischief, they were cute, and I did not mind them.
Then I started to feel ill, my lady took me to the vet they did some checks, then the second time I was diagnosed with Aids Feline she was told nothing could be done.
I saw my lady on the computer, and she tried different things with me, she ordered some stuff that would have helped, except I took a turn for the worse. I knew I was dying, and I walked across the garden to find somewhere when she grabbed me.
She laid me down in the conservatory at first and when I felt a little better, she held onto me and cuddled me, I knew she knew I was in the last stage of my illness.
She put me in the cat carrier and she and her friend took me to the vets. I felt my lady holding my head and loving me, then a prick then I knew I had joined the spirit world. I went home and was joined by my man friend when I was alive, we now walk the garden together and I play with the other spirits in the area.
My friend died from a heart attack he had heart trouble all his life, he roamed from home to home and drank a lot because he was a lost soul, we now have each other and the love of other spirits around.
Did you know?
Aids effect cats especially if they are living rough.
Whats Aids? Is known as feline immunodeficiency virus. It mirrors the human version and can take years to emerge, aids attack the cat’s immune system, allowing bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other viruses to worsen the cat’s health, leaving it unable to fight off secondary infections.
How do they get Aids? Bite wounds transmission of body fluids is common with outdoor cats that are fighting, or kittens can acquire through their mother’s milk.
Symptoms: common systems are enlarged lymph nodes, fever, anaemia, weight loss, a dishevelled coat, poor appetite, and diarrhoea. Other symptoms are inflammation of eyes, gums, or mouth as well as other dental disease, wounds that will not heal, sneezing or even behavioural changes.
Treatments that can help: Catclaw powder, tablets, cannabis-based medicine, green tea.
Hi, I am Spot, thank you for reading my story.
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