Spot On Insurance Welcomes Adi Kaimowitz
Ted Taveras
I have spent the last 20 years helping insurance professionals navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance
I’m a big fan of outsourcing! Arleen’s and my first company, ILSA, allows insurance agencies to draw on expert knowledge to meet their licensing and compliance needs. Even when we started the Spot On Insurance podcast, we relied on outside talent until we could master those skills ourselves. Adi Kaimowitz is someone else who appreciates the power of collaboration.
As the co-founder and CEO of the Virtual Actuary, Adi provides actuarial consulting and insurtech solutions to (re)insurers and financial institutions around the world. He has an extensive background in sales, marketing, and operations. Adi is also a sought-after speaker on breakthrough economics and the future of work.
He joins us to discuss the next evolution of flexible work: talent consortiums. Unlike the traditional gig economy, with its fast and loose structure that focuses heavily on price and often requires a certain buyer-beware mentality, consortiums provide a more structured environment for creating temporary teams – commonly called flash teams or swarms – that puts the client first. Adi suggests that such consortiums may actually replace the corporations we’re familiar with today. Of course, such a shift also means it’s essential for professionals to create personal brands to attract opportunities and advance their careers. Consortiums also need to develop a disruptor mindset and provide quality documentation of abilities and accomplishments to establish and maintain their credibility.
Even companies that resisted flexible work options in the past came to recognize their value during the recent pandemic. Likewise, employees found they appreciated the freedom and professional growth opportunities such often-transitory collaborations provide. Is this the workforce of the future? Only time will tell, but it can’t hurt to be prepared.
To connect with Adi Kaimowitz directly:
→ LinkedIn: Adi Kaimowitz
→ Facebook: virtualactuary
→ Twitter: @virtualactuary
→ Instagram: @virtualactuary
→ Website:
And for more great insights from Adi, listen to his Spot On Insurance podcast, Flash Teams: The Future Workforce? releasing on Tuesday, June 15.