Spot the Difference: How to Tell the Difference Between Ladybugs and Asian Ladybirds
What has red wings, black spots, and a cute name? If you answered ladybugs, you'd be correct, but it's not the only insect that fits that description.
Turns out ladybugs have a close relative that looks strikingly similar - the Asian ladybug. The two bugs may look the same at first glance, but they have a few different traits and behaviors that set them apart. Here's everything you need to know about these little round insects in order to identify which one you really have in your hands.
Red (Ladybug Version)
When it comes to color, ladybugs stay on brand.
The only color you'll see on ladybugs is a bright red. Asian ladybugs, on the other hand, cover more of the color spectrum. While they can be a similar red, Asian ladybugs tend to have more orange, more muted tones. If you thought you were lucky enough to find a yellow "ladybug," think again - it's also an Asian ladybug.
Patterns at Work
The ladybug's most iconic feature can also be a helpful clue.
Take a look at the spots on this ladybug's back. Ladybugs typically have several small, symmetrical spots on each wing, while Asian ladybugs have a much more varied pattern. Some ladybugs have large, oddly shaped spots, others are completely covered in spots, and some have no spots at all.
The Smell Test
A less glamorous but crucial distinction is the aftermath of an encounter. While ladybugs may bite you, they are otherwise harmless. Asian ladybugs make it clearer that they want to be left alone. If one feels threatened, it will bite and release a yellow fluid with a foul odor. This foul-smelling secretion won't cause any long-term damage, but it can leave stains on clothing or walls.
M-Marking Spot
Are your eyes still deceiving you? There's one last telltale feature you can look for to identify an Asian ladybug.
Turn your attention to the area behind the insect's head. Asian ladybugs often have a distinct M-shaped marking. While ladybugs can also have dots or markings on this part of their body, the M-shape is unique to ladybugs, so if you see it, you've cracked the case—you've got an imposter on your hands.
Three Ladybugs Swarm
Ladybugs often seek shelter outdoors on their own when the weather turns cold. A ladybug might accidentally wander into your house, but in the colder months, ladybugs prefer hollow logs.
Asian ladybugs take a different approach, choosing to snuggle together for warmth. They also prefer warm, sheltered areas, so your house is a perfect place to spend the winter. Wherever there’s a crack in the foundation or a tear in the window screen, a group of invaders will make their home.
Prevention and Removal
The best way to prevent Asian ladybugs from entering your home is to seal gaps and cracks. If Asian ladybugs have invaded your home, try sweeping them outside or vacuuming them up. After removing the beetles, wipe the area they were in with soapy water. This will help eliminate traces of their scent and prevent them from returning.
Finding an Asian ladybug infestation too large to handle? Contact the pest control company to remove them quickly and effectively. You could also buy a Xpower Fogger. It works well.