Are there spooks in your supply chains?
Cynthia Kalina-Kaminsky, Ph.D.
Supply Chain Leadership | Business Transformation | Strategy | NACD Certified Director | Global Team Development | Master Trainer | Board Advisory - Supply Chain, Operations, ESG, Governance
If so, we can help ward them off.
Join us on Nov 19 for a FREE supply chain workshop.
Tactics, strategy, insights you need to de-spook your supply chains now.
Take a sneak peek with our Scary Supply Chain Halloween Queries infographic
Or just spirit yourself away to to learn more.
Dawn's almost here
Cynthia Kalina-Kaminsky is the CEO of Process & Strategy, and co-host of Nov 19th's free workshop where you'll get the scoop on how to scare away the scary stuff.
#EssentialSupplyChain #supplychain #risk #solutions #supplychainhalloween