Spontaneously {30.05.2017}. . . .
Samarth Vyas
Reiki Grand Master, Osho Zen Tarot Master, Lama Fera Master Healer, Motivational Speaker & a HR Professional.
" This is absolute common sense.
In life whatever you have within will come out.
Generally people have 2 minds.
1 - Natural one
2 - Conditioned one
Always follow your natural mind because conditioning will differ & is always subjective to N number of things.
Your natural mind will always lead you to happiness & your conditioned mind will always be in contradictory state with your natural mind....
A Conditioned mind is also a convenient mind.
People are Conditioned so that they remain in control & happiness can't be felt when one is in control.
Happiness is a by product of absolute freedom.
Hence fourth remember happiness brings happiness & pain brings pain. Like Vis for love, freedom, respect etc....
Don't be Conditioned, look into the reality of things. Your heart will tell you where to go....
Tc & keep smiling....
Peace !