Artist and friend, James Deeb, came up with a brilliant solution to the frustration a lot of us are feeling about the present state of our nation. He answered the question, how can artists spread kindness amongst the chaos? James organized an exhibition that gives artists a platform to make a difference through their art. I donated Is Spontaneous Combustion Real? to the upcoming 'Unpresidented' Art Auction in Chicago on Friday, October 27th, 2017. 100% of the proceeds of this piece go to the charity of my choice, Heartland Alliance. They make a huge difference in the lives of refugees and the LGBTQ community.
Just a little background about Is Spontaneous Combustion Real? I created my own rendition of a 'Wall' on the bottom of this piece. On the left side there are rain drops running into a raging flood depicted in the undulating shapes of the half dried up leaf. The tree like structure on the top left side represents the roots of hate that have taken hold, as a snake like shape winds it's way through everything. Knowing that we always need to find a balance, I incorporated elements of beauty throughout.