Sponsorship Opportunities
Christopher Tompkins
CEO of The Go! Agency (Digital Marketing), Author, Forbes Council Thought Leader, Entrepreneur Magazine Contributor, Biz Journals Leadership Trust, Fast Company Board Member, Podcast Host, National Business Mentor
And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor
Wait, what?! Doesn’t this section usually come at the bottom?
Today, we’re putting sponsors front and center—as a recent piece from Marketing Dive noted, they are the future of targeted ads.
Nobody wants to feel targeted, even if it’s by an ad for something that they might actually want. In fact, with the rise of ad blocker usage and a funeral for third-party cookies planned for next year, it’s fair to say that audiences are now targeting our targeting!
We feel attacked, frankly.
But, there are less invasive and more thoughtful ways to still advertise to the right base of clients. One method? By some prime real estate on a widely popular industry newsletter.
For as long as there has been email, there have been email newsletters. And even though the state of email as a platform has some people sweating, there have been no signs of a decrease for newsletters—53% of publishers saw an increase in engagement with their email newsletters since 2020.
Does a sponsorship sound right up your alley? Get in touch! We might just happen to be in the market for a fitting sponsor like you.
‘Tok Watch 2x
We’ve got two whole stories today the continue the romance between Instagram and the girl who will never notice him, TikTok.
In our first story, once again Instagram is testing a new Stories design that looks suspiciously like TikTok. Now, Stories will be able to be swiped through vertically rather than playing…horizontally, I guess??
Essentially, the tap to skip function is gone. Whether this is the x-factor that will finally achieve Instagram/TikTok parity, who knows? BUT WAIT…
In a shocking twist, it turns out that Instagram doesn’t need to beat anybody. It’s already winning.
Now, some context—TikTok has been banned in India since June of 2020, which the TechCrunch article above cites as the reason why TikTok only came in second despite worldwide dominance otherwise.
There has only been the second time in the past two years that TikTok has lost the number one slot—the other time was in Q2 of 2020 when Zoom took over as a result of early pandemic downloads.
What do you think, will TikTok take the thrown back next quarter?
A Bulletproof Tip
A strong company needs a strong leader—a feature that’s especially important with the coming over every new year. We asked The Go! Agency’s head strategist, Christopher Tompkins, how he goes about making leadership meetings more impactful…
“Find a meeting location that is a bit “off the grid” and away from distractions. Schedule a weekend, or a few days, at a remote cabin and spread the meetings out so you can intersperse business time with casual time to enjoy different activities. Don’t overplan and overschedule, just have lots of options. This setting allows for walls to be lowered, so barriers will be greatly reduced.”