Sponsors & Participants Benefit Before the Expo Even Begins!
Phil Claybrooke Metrics2Results
Training & Education in Behavioral Change, Financial Literacy, Leadership & Professional Development Founder: PathWays Institute/ URL Path-Ways.org Podcast: YouTube @Heart-vs-Head Phil Claybrooke
The Americas Chamber Foundation was able to facilitate an introduction meeting between Collin College (One of the upcoming Expo's key sponsors) and Consulate of Mexico (One of the upcoming Expo's international participants). The purpose of the meeting was to begin discussions regarding possible mutual benefits for Collin College and the Mexican population served by the Consulate. (Left to Right: Steve Matthews, Sr. VP External Relations & Governmental Affairs; Gloria Moncibais, ACB Board Member; Dr. Neil Matkin, Collin College District President; Dr. AbeJohnson, Sr. VP Campus Operations; Herb Moncibais, Americas Chamber President; Francisco de la Torre, Consulate General of Mexico Consul; Dr. Bill King, Provost Collin College Technical Campus.
The Collin College Technical Campus, "is a comprehensive campus offering students multiple paths to success in high-demand, high-wage career fields including automotive, construction, health care, information technology and manufacturing." https://www.collin.edu/campuses/technical/ The Consulate General of Mexico, "serves a population of first or second generation Mexicans of more than one million residents of one of the 121 counties in North Texas (40.1% of the state's territory)." https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/dallas/
Americas Chamber Foundation is committed to building business and community successes. Join us through a sponsorship, becoming a booth exhibitor, and/or purchasing admission tickets to Opportunity Expo 2022! https://www.acbexpo.org/ Let's get back to business!