Be a Sponge: Do You REALLY Give Your Audience What THEY Need? PART 2
Darren LaCroix, CSP, AS, WCPS
Top-Rated Opening Keynote Speaker | World Champion Speaker | Expert in Engaging and Energizing Conference Audiences
We often work really hard on creating powerful presentations. That is good! Hard work usually pays off. When the hard work is for a presentation, our work multiplies every time we deliver it, and again for every audience member who listens. People in your audience, however, are not all the same. They come to you with varying backgrounds, experience, and different skill levels related to your subject. What this means is, they each need something a bit different. Will each person get what they need from your presentation?
In Part 1
We met John, Amber, and Mary, who are in your audience. This week we will hear the truth from three more people who are sitting in your audience, whether live or online. Consider what you may need to adjust, in your presentation, to help each person. (Watch these 1-minute videos to hear their truth).
Meet Gavin:
Wow! Gavin needs your help but is super skeptical. He needs something he can act on. There will always be skeptics in your audience. We can’t control that, nor can we be responsible for them and what they do with your insight. What we must be, though, is accountable to them, so if they follow through and act on our suggestions, they will be on the right path. I love what Alan Weiss, Ph.D., says, “We get paid to improve the client’s condition.” Does your presentation?
Meet Kristoff
Kristoff has influence. He has connections. Listen carefully to what he is saying! If you are good, he can open doors for you, but if you are not, he can close them too. Think not of your presentation as just a singular event. Think of it as an opportunity to plant many seeds and change the trajectory of your career. What does this make you think when it comes to your presentation?
And Meet Mark:
Please don’t take what he said personally. Some people don’t want to be listening to you. It is a requirement. Will you be engaging enough with your wit or stories to draw them in? Have you considered getting a coach to up your game? Being coached is one of the fastest ways to up your game quickly. I don’t coach presenters one-on-one, just at our workshops, but here are some you may consider. Each has their own strength. You may want to listen to the audio podcast at the top of this page. Get a Coach which is about choosing the right coach. This article intends to get you to consider more deeply the people to who you are presenting to. They each come from a different place with different issues.
How will your presentation help them?
What do you take from this?
"This article originally appeared on Darren LaCroix's blog"
About Darren LaCroix
Through his live master workshops and online programs, Darren works with presenters eager to learn what it takes to connect deeply with their audiences. He is the founder of where we help passionate presenters standout, deliver a memorable message, and leave their audience wanting more."