Spoiler Alert:  Polls are nothing but "fake news!"
The time has come to shake your soul awake!

Spoiler Alert: Polls are nothing but "fake news!"

Posted October 24, 2020

4-5 minute quick-read article

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Eternity,

The time has come to shake your souls awake and smell the proverbial coffee!

Reality must be accurately discerned if we are to recognize what is happening so we can band together for our very survival. We must learn the truth and act on it if we are to not just survive but to achieve emancipation from the shackles in which humanity has been bound for millennia.

The process of shaping and molding the perception of the “herd mentality” general public—in order for those in control to construct and project their false and misdirecting reality into our all too readily accepting minds, especially through national mainstream media, social media, movies, television, radio, entertainment, sports and commercials, publishing, and opinion-making (polls)—must first be understood and recognized by us in order to break free of its insidious mind-controlling effects.

Since early last century, beginning with World War I to the present day, populations in America and worldwide have been and continue to be manipulated to react by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, which is the globalists’ “mother of all think-tanks”—staffed with many thousands of Tavistock-trained Social Engineers. Tavistock’s “invisible army” is the master brainwashing and propaganda institution of the world, whose mission is to mind-control the general public and “manufacture consent.” So everyone is clear:?They are the “they” we frequently hear about doing this, that or the other to influence and misdirect society, as in, “What will they think of next?” Often as not, this is accomplished by overwhelming the public by “shell shock” or so-called “Future Shock,” which is defined by Tavistock position papers “as the physical and psychological distress arising from the excess load on the decision-making mechanism of the human mind.”

In this extremely consequential 2020 Presidential Election, it has never been more essential to understand that the connection between think tanks and what becomes government and public policy are the “pollsters.” Far from conducting legitimate research, these fraudulent polling companies job is to mold and shape public opinion in a way that suits the conspirators. Often the lying fake “opinion polls” inflate the support of a flailing candidate—present case in point, think Biden—to deceive and discourage their opponent’s base in a calculated and conniving attempt to keep them from voting for a “losing” yet in reality “winning” candidatethink Trump—whom accurate research data confirms is actually polling to win the election in an electoral landslide!

Don’t forget—these are the same polls that got it so wrong in 2016! This deceptive misdirection is called “public opinion making,” and is all part of the elaborate mind-control process created by the Tavistock Institute through corrupt—as in bought and paid for by the globalists—utterly fabricated “fake news” media and totally rigged fraudulent pollsters. Their “hidden in plain sight” mission is to manipulate the general public's mind with false information presented as factual in order to control our thinking. The result is that the general public feels “well informed”, believing that the opinions they believe are “their own.” Yet in reality, none of us is really free to form our own opinions because the public has not only been denied full access to accurate and unbiased information, but moreover fed only a steady diet of slanted selected information—so that we as a nation continue to respond in the Tavistock-prescribed form.

For example—Should you find yourself instantly becoming emotionally agitated and going ballistic whenever “hot topic” matters such as global climate change or immigration are brought up, or at the mere mention of President Trump’s name, or perhaps even while reading this essay on crooked lying pollsters—assuming that you are not just a naturally high-strung type—it’s a clear indication that the globalists have successfully “mind-controlled triggered” you to “respond in Tavistock-prescribed form.” Plainly put, for many generations the public has undergone a conditioning process designed to influence “their” opinions both personal and public.

To ensure that everyone is clear—these criminally insane, genocidal psychopathological globalists are the enemy of the human race!

Presently, the globalists and their infiltrated minions in U.S. Government and corporate mass media are doing their damndest to brainwash us into allowing the Constitution to be trampled, suspended and destroyed, while ratcheting up pressure on the public nonstop to permit them to continually chip away at our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. All in the name of “keeping us safe’ and “fighting terrorism” both domestic and foreign and—quite possibly sometime in the very near future—from attacks claimed as coming from “off-planet!”

As admittedly far-fetched as it may sound, according to reliable insiders, there exists a calculated “Constitutional grab master plan by the globalists that is becoming ever more likely to be implemented as their evil grip upon humanity continues to slip away with each passing day. Briefly, this devious plan consists of a strategy for complicit U.S and world “puppet leaders” to declare that they must swiftly be granted “expanded powers”—proclaiming them as fully warranted and permissible— in order for humanity to successfully battle a sneak-attack alien invasion of earth presently underway by “hostile space aliens.” (Note: Click the link at the bottom of this page to read my 2-minute quick-read article, “Hail Mary Pass Staged Fake Hostile Alien Invasion” for details.)

When in all actuality, it will be a contrived “fake alien invasion” false flag event that the globalists themselves are staging by utilizing their advanced CGI holographic and other secret hidden technologies to wreak catastrophic destruction and untold human carnage in cities around the globe—all the while declaring we are under attack from a “hostile alien invasion of earth.” We must not believe them, nor acquiesce to such outrageous demands, no matter how loudly they caterwauler or insistently command On the contrary, in the face of any Constitutional power grab for any reason whatsoever, we must push back and push back hard while not just shouting “No,” but “Oh, hell no!”

Americans and world citizens around the globe must be ready—should the time come when it becomes necessary— to take to the streets to defend our rights and protect our loved ones if we are to bequeath to our children and grandchildren a future without dehumanizing, tyrannical enslavement. The globalists have long schemed to create a world which holds humanity in unrelenting bondage and repressive subjugation. Through their ghastly “final solution” plan, they are presently scrambling to implement mass genocide wiping out upwards of 95% of humanity worldwide (research the “Georgia Guidestones” and “Agenda 21 aka Agenda 2030” for more details) followed by oppressive domination and brutal control of all those remaining alive.

The CCP fired the first salvo in this “quiet war” with their “sneak attack” deliberate release of the now-proven man-made coronavirus upon the world population. Regrettably, there will likely be more attacks on humanity both conventional and unconventional coming before they—and all their globalists’ allies worldwide—are ultimately defeated. Consequently, humanity around the globe must now unite to defend ourselves, and fight for our lives and our way of life before it is too late.

America is now at a crossroads for its very survival! It is no exaggeration to call these befogging times a defining moment of truth for our great nation, and for humanity worldwide. Yet even so, a majority of our countrymen and women remain for the most part unaware of it, the result of a lifetime of unrelenting covert social conditioning to which we have been diabolically and systematically subjected in order to control us.

For hundreds of years people have been badly informed and misinformed—intentionally and by design—by a society being run in the shadows by inhumane genocidal maniac globalists. They—through their well-placed minions in infiltrated high institutions of politics, religion, education, and culture—have been calculatingly spoon-feeding us deception in hopes of blurring our ability to distinguish fiction from reality in order to keep us under their control. And while up until just recently the puppet-masters and their turncoat bought-and-paid-for minions have succeeded beyond all expectations in keeping us blind and oblivious to their malevolent sleigh-of-hand, pay close attention now, as everything is presently in the process of being revealed.

It is essential to understand that lies and secrets are the root of the globalists' evil—and knowledge is humanity's best weapon.

Yet please don't just take my word for it

Below you will find a link for two quick (less than 5 min) reads on the blatant censorship and news suppression by fake news mainstream media and indisputably biased Big Tech social media monopolies, including techno-tyrant Linked In—for flagrantly continuing to censor, suppress, and remove countless member posts simply because they are not to their liking—recently including several of my own articles and posts. Plainly put, this is bald-faced suppression to kill free speech! These power-drunk social media monopolies mistakenly think they run the world, and it is high time for their comeuppance. While there are exceptions to a free speech doctrine, they must be limited to problematic content which is undeniably obscene, fraudulent, or of a nature inciting imminent lawless actions. Simply put—Big Tech social media corporations should not be in the business of censoring speech. Period.

With the exception of the three egregious violations just described, any and all so-called abridgements to “offensive” or “inaccurate” speech—no matter how distasteful or disagreeable the subject may be—are unlawful under our Constitution, and as such, any actions on the part of these social media giants to restrain them are categorically illegal. Counter speech doctrine posits that the best remedy for negative or inaccurate speech is positive, more accurate speech.

Nevertheless, while the Big Tech corporations presently still have the upper hand to do as they please with apparent impunity, be assured that this too, shall soon pass, ideally through newly created and enforced legislation protecting free speech presently being considered by Congress.

Yet for the time being, because of the ongoing and relentless mass censorship now happening on virtually every social media platform, you will also find my must-read—and admittedly long-read (60 min)—completely unexpurgated exposé posted on my counseling website directly following my two Linked In banned quick-read articles. This in-depth article contains tons of tips and lots of effective strategies on how to exercise critical thinking to best separate fact from fiction in these times of unprecedented mass deception. It also includes a slew of insider secrets about what is really going on behind the scenes in this presently ongoing "global shadow war" against America. For the sake of our great republic and humanity worldwide, I hope you will take the time to read them.

When you're ready, click on (or copy and paste into your browser) the link below to read these highly empowering and illuminating articles:


As lovers of liberty and free speech the world over, let us unite now as a mighty and inviolable one,

Dr. Michael

Ps For a FREE PDF out-of-print book download detailing the mind-numbing depth of infiltration into the American culture and global society made by the evil globalists' Tavistock mind-control "Think Tank", click on the link below for a must-read exposé, authored over 25 years ago, that is today even more relevant than when originally published in 1997 by the eminent research scholar, Dr. John Coleman:


Copyright ? 2020 by Michael Ra Bouchard, Ph.D. & Aloha Sexual Health & Happiness, LLC.?< www.lovekindly.com > All Rights Reserved.

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