Splitting a PDF with RPG and Java PDFBox based on Text

Splitting a PDF with RPG and Java PDFBox based on Text

So this is a follow up article to my previous example of just splitting each page of a PDF document. See the previous article here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/splitting-pdf-rpg-java-pdfbox-ricky-thompson-lnuue/

This article builds on that by extracting the text of the PDF document and splitting it based on an invoice number. So each invoice number will be written to it's own PDF. One invoice is two pages long so that PDF will contain two pages. The caveat to this is that this was a Word document converted to PDF. If this had been a scanned document from a scanner I'm pretty sure this would not work because the PDF document would be considered an image. I have not tested that but I believe that is the case. So if you attempt to do this, you will need to run through debug and test your results.

LinkedIn would not allow me to attach the Sample Invoice PDF to this article so I placed it on Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WaygX6XQofXRCmrUaWsJLT5WfmoH41tB/view?usp=sharing

The invoice PDF looks like the following. I asked ChatGPT to give me some random data to make the invoices.

The first two pages are small invoices that fit on one page each.

Notice the third invoice is longer that fits on two pages.

The program should produce three PDF documents, one for each invoice.

The code below opens the PDF document, extracts the text from the PDF document. It then looks for the text 'Invoice Number: ' and strips out the Invoice Number and checks to see if it's different on each page. If it is different it will produce a new PDF Invoice File. When it extracts the text it loses most of the formatting (see screenshot below) so you would need to look at your document and figure out the best way to substring the data you need.

Again I hope the code is self documenting enough to follow.



// Program Data Structure
DCL-DS psds psds qualified;
  MsgID CHAR(7) POS(40);
  ExceptData CHAR(80) POS(91);

// Java String Object
DCL-PR j_String Object(*JAVA:'java.lang.String')
  *N Varchar(65535) Const;

// Java File Object
DCL-PR j_File Object(*JAVA:'java.io.File')
  *N Object(*Java:'java.lang.String');

// Save the file
DCL-PR j_SaveFile  EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' :
               'save' );
  arg0 OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.io.File' );

// Main logic of the program

  // Convert Java String to Text
  DCL-PR getBytes VARCHAR(65535) EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'java.lang.String'
                  : 'getBytes' );
  END-PR ;

  // Load PDF File
  DCL-PR j_LoadPdfFile OBJECT(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' )
          EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' : 'load' )
    arg0 OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.io.File' );
  END-PR ;

  // Text Stipper Java Object Constructor  
  DCL-PR j_PDFTextStripperObjCtor OBJECT(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.text.+
              PDFTextStripper' ) EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDF+
              TextStripper' : *CONSTRUCTOR);
  END-PR ;

  // Set the start page to strip the text
  DCL-PR j_setTextStripperStartPage  EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextS+
              tripper' : 'setStartPage' );
    arg0 INT(10) VALUE;
  END-PR ;

  // Set the end page to strip the text
  DCL-PR j_setTextStripperEndPage  EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextS+
              tripper' : 'setEndPage' );
    arg0 INT(10) VALUE;
  END-PR ;

  // Get the number of pages
  DCL-PR j_GetNumberOfPDFPages INT(10) EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pd+
         model.PDDocument' : 'getNumberOfPages' );
  END-PR ;

  // Get the text from the PDF document
  DCL-PR j_TextStripperGetText OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.lang.String' ) 
              EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper' : 'ge+
              tText' );
    arg0 OBJECT(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' );
  END-PR ;

  // QCMDEXEC to run IBMi commands
  DCL-PR QCmdExc ExtPgm('QCMDEXC');
    *N CHAR(2000) Const;
    *N PACKED(15:5) Const;

  // Java variables
  DCL-S j_NewFile OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.io.File' );
  DCL-S j_NewString OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.lang.String');
  DCL-S j_PdfDocument OBJECT(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' );
  DCL-S j_PDFTextStripperObj OBJECT(*JAVA: 'org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper' );
  DCL-S j_getTextRet OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.lang.String' );

  // Variables
  DCL-S vNumberOfPages INT(10);
  DCL-S vIndex INT(10);
  DCL-S vStartPage INT(10);
  DCL-S vEndPage INT(10);
  DCL-S vCmdString CHAR(2000);
  DCL-S vString VARCHAR(65535);
  DCL-S vPdfFilePathAndName CHAR(5000);
  DCL-S vSaveInvoiceNumber CHAR(20);
  DCL-S vInvoiceNumber CHAR(20);
  DCL-S vFirstTime IND INZ(*On);
  DCL-S vSaveStartPage INT(10);

  // Constants  
  DCL-C TICK '''';

  // Set Classpath or Change Classpath
      '/home/rthompson/pdfSplit/pdfbox-app-2.0.27.jar' + TICK +
    QCmdExc(vCmdString : %len(%trim(vCmdString)));
    If psds.MsgID = 'CPFA980';
      vCmdString = 'CHGENVVAR (CLASSPATH) VALUE(' + TICK +
        '/home/rthompson/pdfSplt/pdfbox-app-2.0.27.jar' + TICK +
        QCmdExc(vCmdString : %len(%trim(vCmdString)));
        *INLR = *On;

  // Path and PDF File name
  vPdfFilePathAndName = '/home/rthompson/pdfSplit/Sample_Invoice.pdf';
  j_NewString = j_String(%trim(vPdfFilePathAndName));
  // Load the File
  j_NewFile = j_File(j_NewString);

  // Load the File into a PDDocument
  j_PdfDocument = j_LoadPdfFile(j_NewFile);

  // Get the total number of pages
  vNumberOfPages = j_GetNumberOfPDFPages( j_PdfDocument );

  // Split each page into it's own pdf
  For vIndex = 1 to vNumberOfPages;

    // start and end page will be the same as we are looking at 1 page at a time
    vStartPage = vIndex;
    vEndPage = vIndex;

    // Create the PDFTextStripper Object
    j_PDFTextStripperObj = j_PDFTextStripperObjCtor();

    // Set the Start and End Page    
    j_setTextStripperStartPage(j_PDFTextStripperObj : vStartPage);
    j_setTextStripperEndPage(j_PDFTextStripperObj : vEndPage);

    // Get the text from the PDF Document    
    j_getTextRet =  j_TextStripperGetText(j_PDFTextStripperObj : j_PdfDocument);

    // Convert the text to a VARCHAR    
    vString = getBytes(j_getTextRet);
    // Go find the invoice number from the PDF document
    vInvoiceNumber = GetInvoiceNumber(vString);
    // First Time Only Processing save the invoice number and the starting page.
    If vFirstTime;
      vSaveInvoiceNumber = vInvoiceNumber;
      vSaveStartPage = vStartPage;
      vFirstTime = *Off;
    // If the invoice number is different and the end page is greater than 1 split 
    // the invoice pages.
    If vInvoiceNumber <> vSaveInvoiceNumber and vEndPage > 1;
          : vSaveStartPage  
          : vEndPage - 1
          : vSaveInvoiceNumber);
      // Save the Invoice Number and Start Page for the next cycle    
      vSaveInvoiceNumber = vInvoiceNumber;          
      vSaveStartPage = vEndPage;


  // Split the last invoice
          : vSaveStartPage  
          : vEndPage
          : vSaveInvoiceNumber);


// Get the Invoice Number
DCL-PROC GetInvoiceNumber;
  DCL-PI *N CHAR(20);
    pString VARCHAR(65535) const;  

  DCL-S vStartPosition INT(10);
  DCL-S vEndPosition INT(10);
  DCL-S vWrkString CHAR(20);
  // Find the starting position of invoice number
  vStartPosition =  %scan('Invoice Number: ' : pString);       

  // If the Invoice Number: string found scan for the space after the :  
  If vStartPosition > 0;                                       
    vStartPosition = %scan(':' : pString : vStartPosition) + 1;
    vEndPosition = %scan(' ' : pString : vStartPosition + 1);  

    // If the end position not found return blank for the invoice number
    If vEndPosition = 0;                                       
      Return ' ';                 

    // If the Invoice Number is found substring the text and pull it out.                                                         
    If vEndPosition <> 0;                                      
      vWrkString = %trim(%subst(pString                        
    : vStartPosition                                         
    : vEndPosition - vStartPosition)) ;                      
  // Return the invoice number
  Return vWrkString;


// Split the PDF document into separate invoices
  DCL-PI *N;
    p_PdfDocument OBJECT(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' );
    p_StartPage INT(10) const;
    p_EndPage INT(10) const;
    p_FileName CHAR(20) const;

  // Splitter Object Constructor
  DCL-PR j_SplitterObjCtor Object(*java 
            : 'org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.Splitter' )
            Extproc(*java : 'org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.Splitter' 
            : *CONSTRUCTOR);
  END-PR ;

  // PDDocument Constructor to hold the PDF File
  DCL-PR j_PDFDocumentObjCtor Object(*java : 
              'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' ) 
              Extproc(*java : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' :
  END-PR ;

  // Split PDF
  DCL-PR j_SplitPDF OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.util.List' ) EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.a+
         pache.pdfbox.multipdf.Splitter' : 'split' );
    arg0 OBJECT(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' );
  END-PR ;

  // Set the Start Split Page
  DCL-PR j_SetPDFStartPage EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.Spli+
         tter' : 'setStartPage' );
    arg0 INT(10) VALUE;
  END-PR ;

  // Set the End Split Page
  DCL-PR j_SetPDFEndPage EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.Spli+
         tter' : 'setEndPage' );
    arg0 INT(10) VALUE;

  // Set the Split at Page
  DCL-PR j_SetSplitPDFAtPage EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.Sp+
              litter' : 'setSplitAtPage' );
    arg0 INT(10) VALUE;
  END-PR ;

  // Get Object from List
  DCL-PR j_GetList OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.lang.Object' )
         EXTPROC(*JAVA : 'java.util.List' : 'get');
    arg0 INT(10) VALUE;

  // Java Variables  
  DCL-S j_PartialNewFile OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.io.File' );  // after split
  DCL-S j_SplitterObj Object(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf.Splitter' );
  DCL-S j_SplitRet OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.util.List' );
  DCL-S j_PdfPartialDocument OBJECT(*JAVA : 'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument' ); // after split
  DCL-S j_NewString OBJECT(*JAVA : 'java.lang.String');

  // Variables
  DCL-S vPdfFilePathAndName CHAR(5000);

  // Create a Splitter Object
  j_SplitterObj = j_SplitterObjCtor();
  // Set the page split start and end and split the pdf document
  j_SetPDFStartPage( j_SplitterObj : p_StartPage );
  j_SetPDFEndPage( j_SplitterObj : p_EndPage );

  // Split the PDF  
  j_SetSplitPDFAtPage( j_SplitterObj : p_EndPage - p_StartPage + 1);
  j_SplitRet = j_SplitPDF( j_SplitterObj : p_PdfDocument );

  // Create the Split PDDocument to hold the split PDF
  j_PdfPartialDocument = j_PDFDocumentObjCtor();
  // Get the Split Pages and put them into a document 
  j_PdfPartialDocument = j_GetList(j_SplitRet : 0);

  // Create new PDF file and save
  vPdfFilePathAndName = '/home/rthompson/pdfSplit/INV_' + %trim(p_FileName) + '.pdf';

  j_NewString = j_String(%trim(vPdfFilePathAndName));
  j_PartialNewFile = j_File(j_NewString);

  // Save the new PDF document  
  j_SaveFile( j_PdfPartialDocument : j_PartialNewFile );



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